Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!

You love spending time with your pets, but sometimes there are spaces in your home you'd like to keep off-limits. Whether it is a child's room with allergies or a formal dining room you hardly use, many pet owners have areas of their home they would like to limit pet access. Lucky for you, we put together a short video from our Certified Pet Trainer, Sandy Benes, with tips on how to create off-limit pet areas in your home.
1. Create off-limit pet areas
There are several different reasons that pet owners want to create off-limit areas in their homes. Some owners want to keep a pet out of the baby's room or certain bedrooms. Multi-pet households also create off-limit pet areas to give pets their own areas of the house.
There are a few different ways you can create off-limit pet areas in your home. In some cases, using a traditional baby gate to block off access to your door can keep your pet from running out the door. You can also try crating your pet when you know visitors are coming over, or you need to keep your front door open.
Another solution is a Shields® Gate. Our Shields Gates are Invisible® baby gates designed with hallways, doorways and room openings in mind. Shields Gate protects your pets from entering a room, leaving a room, or escaping outside through an open door - giving you the ultimate walk-through pet gate. Our certified trainers teach your pet his boundaries without fear or confusion, so you can be confident your dog will stay within the boundaries you set!
2. Give your pet access outside
We know you could probably use a break from being your pets personal doorman! But your pet needs to get out and about for mental stimulation. Dogs, especially, are social and curious creatures and they need a change of scenery to keep them from getting bored. You can set a timer for every 3-4 hours as a reminder to give your pet that outdoor time they need.
Another option is Doorman™ Electronic Pet Door. With Invisible Fence® Brand’s Doorman, you give your pet the freedom of letting themselves out whenever you see fit. Schedule when and which pet (if you have multiple) has access to your yard. A benefit to the Doorman Pet Door versus a traditional pet door is Doorman ensures that no neighborhood pets or creatures can surprise you in your home. With Doorman, you're expanding your pets range of exploring and curiosity!
3. Protect your pet outside
Keeping your pet out of harms way outside your home is just as important as inside! We know it can be hard letting your pet roam outside especially if you live on a busy road, have a garden bed with plants that are toxic to pets, or have an extremely friendly pet who loves to visit neighbors. One common solution (weather permitting) is to tether your pet. Every state or city has a minimum length a leash, lead, or tether should be for your pet. It's always a good idea to research your specific neighborhood, city, and state rules/regulations before trying this option.
Products like the Boundary Plus Smart™ System and SmartShields™ Solution offers you the ability to give your pet a safe and smart way to play outside. Boundary Plus Smart provides an average of 30% more yard space for your pet to enjoy safely. Connected to an app, you can quickly and easily monitor your fence. Training is provided with the Boundary Plus Smart System so we take care of making sure your pet knows and understands new boundaries.
As far as protecting your stunning flower or vegetable beds and your pets from them, SmartShields Outdoor Solutions blends in naturally with your landscaping- so you can keep your pets out of the flowerbed without disrupting your flowerbed design. This system is perfect for curious pups that love to dig, eat rocks, or munch on plants that are not safe for them. Outdoor Shields Plus is fully compatible with our other Outdoor Solutions including all Invisible Fence® Brand fencing systems.
At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category.