Whether you are building a new home or remodelling a single room, Kitchen & Bath Classics Saskatoon a Trusted SASKATOON BATHROOM EXPERT offer you one of the largest selections of plumbing fixtures, faucets, and accessories from quality names, displaying the latest trends and cutting-edge styles. The showroom consultants offer the best expertise in the business as they understand the building process; working with you to ensure that your project stays within budget and that the right products are delivered on time.
Here Lori shares a tip on Bain Ultra tubs:
At the end of the day everyone wants to relax and what better way than to retreat into your bath and lose yourself in Bain Ultra’s therapies designed to wash away your worries.
Kitchen & Bath Classics has many models of Bain Ultra tubs on display that you can slip off your shoes and climb right into.
We also have the Vedana multi-therapy on display so you and our Expert staff can meet and they will help you choose the perfect tub for you and your space.
Bain Ultra offers soaker tubs and the option of a ThermoMasseur massage system included in the tub. Some of the soaker tubs have an option of a Warm Touch Shell, of- as a therapy. The ThermoMasseur system offers a multiple massage technique of Hydro-thermo massage and acupressure, resulting in a personal massage at home anytime you desire.

Aromatherapy is the addition of essential oils to enhance physical and physiological well-being. Chromatherapy uses coloured lights to heal, improve your mood, wake you up, or stimulate your senses.
The Aroma Cloud experience, can be used with or without essential oils, and when over your water like a mountain fog, bringing the essential oils along with it. Ask our Kitchen & Bath Experts to show you the Aroma Cloud experience when you visit.
The Vedana offers several therapies for your home and can be installed in a shower space or mounted on the wall in your bathroom, with electrical requirements as needed. Thermo-therapy, which uses dry heat, increases the body temperature and to eliminate toxins and relax your sore muscles.

The Bain Ultra Vedana also has light therapy which helps to regulate the production of melatonin and serotonin. Ten minutes daily can really make a difference in your energy level, great for those long dark winters we have when you are longing for a little sunshine.

Kitchen & Bath Classics also has sound therapy on the Vedana which uses music of different wavelengths and frequencies to promote balance of both body and mind.
Kitchen & Bath Classics invites you to meet with our expert staff and we will put together the perfect Bain Ultra products to turn your bathroom into a relaxing or rejuvenating spa experience.
Find Kitchen & Bath Classics online at http://www.kitchenandbathclassics.ca in the SASKATOON BATHROOMS category on the SASKATOON DIRECTORY of Excellence...they are your SASKATOON BATHROOM FIXTURES and FITTING Expert !