is so proud to partner with Imagery Photography and tell you why as we brag about this Trusted Saskatoon Photographer!

It seems like everyone who runs in “photographic circles” knows Imagery’s founder, Milton Taylor. Milton started Imagery Photography in 1977 out of a desire to be independently successful – and over the past 35 years has become a name that is synonymous with quality and artistry. As you can imagine, a lot has changed in the photographic industry over 35 years – the technology is very advanced as compared to the old equipment and processes. Milton comments,
“There is more to creating a portrait than a magic camera and photoshop skills… our strength is in our experience, our background in technical training, and our ability to understand the fundamentals – lighting, posing, and the mechanics of exposure.”
Considering that Milton is a Master of the Photographic Arts, we truly believe that at Imagery Photography Saskatoon, you are dealing with the experts!
Your experience with Imagery begins with the initial consultation, where Milton gets to know a bit more about a person, and really listens to what you, the client, want from your session. This is crucial to the success of the shoot because this is where Imagery works with you to discover what style of portraiture will make you the happiest, whether it be journalistic, static, traditional, or environmental.
Listening to their clients is key to their success… Imagery Photography strives to give you the portraits that you will cherish. From this point, you then book your session (with a rain date chosen just in case!), and after that, a client comes back in to sit with Milton for the initial projection. This is where you can review all of the photos in the shoot with your photographic team to choose your favourites. After that, you are emailed your choices to make your final decisions, and then you are ready to order.
We all know that there are different reasons that people do what they do… some do it for the money, some do it for recognition, and some do what they do because they are passionate about it and genuinely love their craft. When we asked Milton what he loves the most about his work, he responded,
“I love working in the environment, working with 3 or 4 generations of family, and working with young couples in love… you can see the passion people have for each other. Things in life will catch your eye if they catch your heart – these are the things you should pursue.”
Essentially, Milton sees himself as a historian – and this is where the artistry really comes into play.
“This work will be seen 50, 60, 100 years from now.”
Imagery Photography works in collaboration with many photographers in the province, hoping to elevate the standards of the industry and the profession as a whole. Milton does quite a bit of mentoring, and the attitude is always that someone once took the time to share knowledge with him, and this is his way to give back to the profession. He states,
“Having a cake and eating it by yourself is no fun. This is my cake and I’m sharing it!”
Asked about retirement, Milton always says he’s retiring on the first... the first time he doesn’t enjoy it anymore, that is! Well. here’s to many more years!!!!!
Read the glowing client testimonials from the clients Trusted spoke to on the IMAGERY PHOTOGRAPHY listing in the SASKATOON PHOTOGRAPHY & FRAMING category on the Saskatoon Directory of Excellence for yourself!!