The Trusted teamwork for the public, we do that by finding great local businesses, verifying they are as good as we have heard, and contracting them to uphold the 5 Trusted Guarantees. These 5 Trusted guarantees are the cornerstone of our business and the businesses we partner with, and if something does go wrong we hold the businesses to their obligations....that's what the Trusted Saskatoon businesses sign up for. That's why we promote them and why we believe they are the best businesses in the cities we serve.
JANICE'S BUILD- the Trusted Rebuild
Last week we heard about Janice, a single Mum in Saskatoon that has not been lucky enough to deal with a ' Trustworthy' business, in fact, she has dealt with the kind of company that we set Trusted Saskatoon up to protect people from.... let's share the first part of the story.
Janice is a lovely woman who has been left in a house that was a home 5 months ago & now is a dangerous unfinished, building site. She is trying to keep on a brave face for her 10-year-old daughter but is sick with worry that the house won't survive the Winter cold that is on its way, and wondering every day how she is going to manage to get back on her feet .......why? All because of an unscrupulous Saskatoon contractor that has been her worst nightmare!

We heard her story last week through a friend of Sara's, the Trusted founder, and we were extremely moved by her plight, and wanted to do what we could to's a great thing we know an amazing group of local Saskatoon businesses, who are invested in their community and who truly set the standard for integrity in the Saskatoon Business community!
We sent out an email at 9 pm that night, we had some responses back within the hour and by the end of the week, we have already had so many wonderful Trusted Saskatoon directory partners offer Janice their help...and Trusted Regina partners!
Thank you also to Aaron Loraas- from Loraas disposal for donating bins and garbage fees for the project, Winroc and Rona for materials and Heating roofing systems in Colorado for the roof!!

Sara went to surprise Janice tonight, who knew nothing of this until was extremely emotional, Janice was completely gobsmacked when Sara knocked on her door and told her why she was there. Once the first round of tears dried, and she realized Sara was above board, she showed her around the house and Sara couldn't believe the state this contractor has left her in. We shared the news about the wonderful Trusted Saskatoon companies that had already stepped up to help her, and she was happy to allow us to document this journey by blog and video, so she could prevent other people from having the same thing happen to this is Part 1 of THE HOUSE THAT TRUSTED SASKATOON REBUILT!
So whats next?
A well-recognized business leader and expert in the construction industry is going to cast his professional eye over Janice's bombsite of a home, and he will then be able to assess just what needs to be done, and from there we can start planning the rebuild, and what we need in regards help & materials from these amazing Trusted Saskatoon companies.
We will leave you with Sara's comments as the last words of Part 1
" Saskatoon has been amazing to me and my family, and I believe it's important to step up to help people in the community you live in. Janice's situation is not uncommon unfortunately, a thing like this happen every day to families and individuals in this city and this province, that's why I was motivated to start Trusted. I am just glad I am in a position, along with the Trusted partners to help her with this hand up back on her feet again.
To start the ball rolling I will donate $1000 in Gift Certificates for Janice to put towards this rebuild. She can use them at any of the partner businesses on the directory. I am not going to publicly name the contractor or his business...that is not my place, but after what I saw & heard today I believe strongly that the company should have their A rating on the Better Business Bureau of Saskatchewan lowered to an F, and the insurance companies should take them off their preferred list of contractors"