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You can also expect Seamless quality repairs! A faster turnaround for your vehicle (on average 25% faster!!) & Assistance dealing with insurance! You'll find quality at every price point - from a few hundred dollars to a thousand or more. It's up to you. Preferred Collision and Glass is a Trusted Saskatoon Auto Body Expert.
Preferred Collision Break Down The Costs Of Re-Spraying Your Vehicle
Respraying a vehicle is a time-consuming process, with dozens of hours
needed for preparation, painting and follow-up color sanding, making it very
difficult for a good-quality paint job to cost less than $10,000. Obviously, there
is trade-off, you can have less time spent on the respray, which will mean the
process will cost less. However, there will be a noticeable difference in the
quality of the finish.

Here we look at the various costs that are involved with any respray
Before any work can begin, the vehicle needs to be completely disassembled. This can be done by the owner if they wish to save costs. However, we recommend that the shop should do it for continuity and parts-tracking assurance. This process can take 12-20 hours and will cost around $2,500.
The next step is to media-blast or chemically strip the body, which will reveal the full extent of any rust or previous body repairs. This step is where the cost of the project can increase considerably, but it is essential to ensure that a quality job is done. This step will cost around $1,500-$2000. A body respray can be done without media-blasting to save on cost, however, several hours will still be spent sanding down the existing finish.
Body Repair is often the biggest variable as every vehicle needs a different amount of work, but it's normally inevitable that it will need to be done to some degree on every project. Sometimes, it can be cheaper and more efficient to do a whole panel replacement than repair the existing damage. It is difficult to estimate the cost of body work before the project has started, but it can range from a few hours of work to hundreds of hours, purely depending on the state of the car once it has been stripped.
Panel alignment tends to be necessary on older vehicles, as the body panels generally need to be adjusted to achieve more even gaps and ensure the body lines have good alignment. This process could add $2,000 or more to the cost, but it isn’t always necessary on every project.
The smoother and straighter the body is, the better the finished job will look, and this comes down to block sanding. Block sanding is an extremely time-consuming process and it takes hundreds of hours to do a quality job. A reasonable 100 hours of block sanding can add $9,000 to the tally, but this doesn’t include a concours-level finish. It is very important not to skimp at this step as it will massively affect the quality of the paint job.
This part of the project actually involves less hours than others. Depending on how many layers are sprayed on, the painting process tends to involve 8-12 hours’ worth of labor, costing around $800-$1,200. However, two or three gallons of paint will be needed, so this part of the project will normally cost between £3,000-$5,000 in total, but can sometimes be more.
Similar to block sanding, hundreds of hours can be spent on high levels of color sanding. Color sanding is necessary in order to achieve a greater appearance to the finish. A reasonable 40-50 hours of color sanding can add another $3,500-$4,500 to the final cost of the project, but for an even better finish more hours are needed, which will increase the cost.
So, if you are needing a re-spray on your vehicle come visit us at Preferred Collision, and we PROMISE to do a quality job for a fair price.
If you are in a collision, Preferred Collision and Glass will look after all your and your car’s needs, during and after, with our Customer For Life program.