Fitness Focus Challenge -Week Two- Dealing With Temptations
Week two was very tricky to keep on track as I was so busy, I knew it was going to be challenging, so I was concerned that it would affect my results.
Trusted was in the process of moving offices, so chaos was the norm! Moving day was Friday, but there were lots of things to do before and after. I had so many deadlines that needed to be met before the move and many work meetings, not to mention kids activities, dentists appointments and other family commitments. Also, I was going out with the girls on Saturday night - dinner plans followed by dancing at Buds On Broadway...I know that EQUALS temptation!!
In the past, this kind of week has derailed my previous fitness/ diet attempts, so I was a bit worried I'd repeat my pattern and blame being busy for failing to keep on track.
I'll be was not a perfect week by any means!
I saw my trainer Denise at
Fitness Focus on Wednesday at 7 am and again Saturday at Noon. She took me through 2 more of my (unique to me and my goals) weight training work out sessions that are making up the final plan.
Her goal is to have me doing this myself, and as such, she is creating a 2 week ( 5 days a week ) program for me to follow. I do 10-15 min cardio before our session and at least 20 mins after. In addition, I am trying to get at least 20-30m mins of cardio a day on the days I don't train with Denise- that can be jogging, walking fast, swimming, biking, group fitness, jumping on a trampoline or cardio machines etc.. whatever I can do to move!
The conclusion of a weights session with Denise always end with 3 sets of ab exercises. On Wednesday I found my new least favourite exercise. Swiss Ball Transfers - This medieval torture training move is where you squeeze a Swiss exercise ball between your feet and switch from feet to hands while crunching- just to make it even more friggin painful, Denise likes to keep feet off the floor at all times and insisted the ball has to go all the way over your head and touch the floor behind you. So you lay almost flat with the ball above your head - transfer in the crunch back to laying flat when the ball goes down to the floor between your feet. I told Denise I'd rather sign up to run a Tough Mudder Obstacle course than do 3 more sets of those again!
Check out my attempts at rope pulldown crunches at the end of Saturday's gym session- OUCH
When Denise did my initial assessment she said I was eating too little and too infrequently during the workday. This meant I was essentially starving myself then feasting, which is not good for the metabolism. I think LOTS of us working Mums/entrepreneurs do this to ourselves, we get busy and simply don't stop to eat.
I eat pretty well at home as I like to cook, so I just decided to make extra portions of healthy suppers and take leftovers to work, along with fruit and nuts to snack on. I am trying to keep away from carbs and to drink lots more water, specifically water with lemon in it.
Some tasty food from last week.
I have never been a huge fan of protein shakes, but I have found a great Vanilla flavoured one by Forever Living, it's so tasty! Shakes are a must because I struggle to eat early in the morning, it is my go-to breakfast, especially before training or I'd pass out. My favourite breakfast shake is 2 scoops Vanilla, almond milk and 2 shots of espresso with ice ...It is DELIGHTFUL!
BBQ vegetables and kebab / Asian Chicken Lettuce wraps with beet slaw
10,000 steps a day goal.

I have also been trying to get in the ' recommended 10,000 steps a day' as part of my lifestyle change. Last week I missed the mark on Monday and Thursday - with just 8400 between both days. However, on the Trusted moving day I did over 25,400 ...moving IS a workout.
All in all, I did over 81,300 steps last week!!
Consider this, prior to this challenge, my average number of steps in a week was around the 25,000 mark!!
Postive of week 2
- I have now lost 1.5LB total.
- I feel lighter in my clothes.
- I am enjoying moving more.
- My resting heart rate has dropped from 79 to 72BPM this is very encouraging.
- I can see some definition starting to show!
Negatives from week 1
- I overindulged on Saturday night and was hungover on Sunday, so was lazy AND we had Chinese takeout ( NOT good)
- Stiffness and soreness STILL.
- I feel like I should have lost more than 1.5lb by now- then I remember Saturday and Sunday.
- STILL Not getting enough sleep.
- I really look like crap when I am working out - 💪 ( see above picture for proof ) and I hate how the tight work out clothes look.
Week 3 goals
1. Eat better and drink less ( I see a theme here )
2. Take the 5 flights of stairs to the office instead of the elevator.
3. Park further away so I walk to work.
4. Increase Cardio on all days - I need to speed up the fat burn.
5. Go to bed earlier!
Wish me luck.