Trusted Saskatoon Contractor Liftech Concrete Leveling Inc is your go-to Trusted Saskatoon Contractor for lifting and levelling sunken and uneven concrete. Traditional mud jacking, or slab jacking, is a remedy that’s been used for decades to raise sunken slabs. Now, there’s a newer, longer-lasting alternative available from Liftech Concrete Leveling. In their latest tip they explain Deep Foamjection™

In some cases, traditional concrete levelling isn't enough to remedy the issues. Deep Foamjection™ is an advanced method that goes beyond traditional concrete raising techniques. It involves injecting foam at greater depths to enhance the soil's load-bearing capacity. Like tree roots spread out to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, Deep Foamjection™ creates artificial root systems using foam.
By stabilizing and strengthening the soil, Deep Foamjection™ addresses the underlying causes of settling in structures, roads, or concrete pads. Unlike basic concrete lifting methods that may provide temporary solutions, Deep Foamjection™ tackles the root of the problem by targeting various depths.
Here are some key features and benefits of Deep Foamjection™:
Upgrade to sub-surface concrete lifting: Deep Foamjection™ takes concrete lifting to a higher level by injecting foam deeper into the ground.
Repair unstable soils: It stabilizes and strengthens the soil, mitigating the issues caused by unstable ground conditions.
Enhanced foundation support: By creating a stronger foundation, Deep Foamjection™ ensures proper support for settled slabs and structures.
Filling weak areas: Foam follows the path of least resistance, effectively filling weak spots and voids in the ground.
Fissure and void filling: It fills fissures and voids in the soil, minimizing the risk of further settlement.
Water displacement: The foam displaces collected water and eliminates voids that may be holding water.
Increased load-bearing capacity: Deep Foamjection™ improves the load-bearing capacity of the subgrade, providing long-lasting support.
Permanent repair: The foam used in Deep Foamjection™ maintains its shape and does not absorb ground water, ensuring a durable and lasting solution.
Soil binding: The foam soaks into weak soils and expands, binding the soil particles together and creating a solid foundation.
Environmentally friendly: Deep Foamjection™ does not leach harmful chemicals into the ground, making it an environmentally conscious choice.
Deep Foamjection™ offers a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing soil instability and settling issues, providing a long-term solution for concrete and structural repairs.