Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Three Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hot Tub from Backyard Living Center Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub & Sauna Store

 Backyard Living Center is a locally owned and operated Saskatoon hot tub & sauna storeThey offer an exclusive line of high-quality Canadian-built products that are ideally suited to the Saskatchewan climate with a variety of design choices, they have hot tubs, sauna and other products that will suit every lifestyle! Service means everything to owners Sheryl and Matthew! Whether it's finding the perfect sauna, spa, hot tub servicing or repair, water testing, or helping find or deliver parts for your hot tub, they're here to help. In this Saskatoon hot tub tip, we share 3 factors to consider when choosing a hot tub. 

Backyard Living Center Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub Store!

Three Factors to Consider When Choosing A Hot Tub

A hot tub isn't a one-size-fits-all product. Hot tubs offer many different functions, and different models are tailored to different needs. Are you looking for a place for friends? For you and your spouse? Or is it deep-tissue hydrotherapy you're after? There are plenty of models that offer all of these benefits. Still, when you're looking to maximize your investment based on the budget you want to spend, it's best to weigh your expectations and prioritize which benefits are the most important to you.

Choosing the Right Hot Tub

Factor 1: Size & Seating

If you are looking for a place for entertaining friends and family, size, and seating will be a big consideration.
Remember that price doesn't necessarily equal the number of seats when looking at hot tubs. We have large and small hot tubs across our 700, 500, and 300 series, so a smaller budget doesn't mean you won't afford a larger tub. Our hot tubs come in sizes that accommodate anywhere from 2 to 8 people, with others accommodating between 5 and 6 adults.

Factor 2: Advanced Jetting

If you are looking for more advanced jetting and if hydrotherapy is your number one priority, don't just look at the quantity, research placement, quality, and the ability to customize. Ensuring the jets inside the model you are selecting offers adequate horsepower to balance propulsion and airflow and provide deep tissue results is critical before you purchase.

Factor 3: Enhanced Features

When comparing your budget to the models available, we recommend that you make a list of "must-haves" vs. "nice-to-haves." These lists will help you understand the available options in the price range with your "must" amenities. This will also help you determine whether features like a lounger seat or built-in sound are really something you get used to. 

To see our full range of Hot Tub Models please contact us.

"Your Backyard Oasis is Waiting For You!"

You can read more fantastic client testimonials and see all their products and services by clicking on the link below to check out the Backyard Living Center's listing. 

Backyard Living Center is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub and Outdoor Furniture Store!

Life Longevity & Sauna Bathing From Backyard Living Center Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub & Sauna Store

 Backyard Living Center is a locally owned and operated Saskatoon hot tub & sauna storeThey offer an exclusive line of high-quality Canadian-built products that are ideally suited to the Saskatchewan climate with a variety of design choices, they have hot tubs, sauna and other products that will suit every lifestyle! Service means everything to owners Sheryl and Matthew! Whether it's finding the perfect sauna, spa, hot tub servicing or repair, water testing, or helping find or deliver parts for your hot tub, they're here to help.In this Saskatoon hot tub tip, we share how sauna bathing can lead to longevity. 

Backyard Living Center Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub Store!

Life Longevity And Sauna Bathing

What is life extension really about? Implicit in any longevity program is extending the quantity of chronological life and improving the quality of life. For many, this means creating a body that is free of disease, full of vitality, and an emotional stance that is both stable and joyful.

The pursuit of longevity can be broken down into two primary branches. First, creating a healthy physiological landscape that prevents high mortality rates due to disease and illness—second, altering and transforming how genes are expressed through proteins in a coherent and high-functioning cellular landscape.

Longevity is a complex topic. Many factors correlate indirectly and directly to the quantity and quality of life. From the geographical location, nutrition, and genetics, there are many aspects to consider.

There will always be considerations that fall out of the realm of immediate control, but with respect to the participatory actions an individual can take toward his or her longevity, regular sauna bathing emerges as a heavy hitter in the game of longevity.

For the sake of precision and clarity, this article has been divided into two primary compartments.

  • Factor #1: Reducing the risk of mortality from chronic disease and examining how and why regular sauna bathing may positively impact degenerative illness.
  • Factor # 2: The transformation of proteins, cellular, and intracellular expression through sauna bathing to alter the physiological makeup of each individual to promote longevity.

What Is Longevity And How Is It Defined?

In very simplistic terms, longevity refers to life expectancy. Increasing longevity, or the probability of living longer, involves two primary components: A) Reducing the risk of mortality and B) Altering the biological expression of age at a cellular level.

In tandem, both factors contribute to the expected longevity of the human species. While many correlative elements contribute to life expectancy, from genetics to nutrition, geographical location, access to modern medicine, and clean water. Each of these influences plays a significant role in determining an individual or community’s life expectancy. Another surprising factor that is deeply compelling for longevity is sauna bathing.

With over forty clinical studies on health and sauna bathing, research demonstrates impressive evidence in the field of sauna bathing and human biology that has accelerated over the past twenty years. This collection of data demonstrates that regular sauna bathing may powerfully and positively impact health in general and more specifically, longevity.

Factor # 1 Reducing Overall Mortality Risk With Sauna Bathing

  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity
  • Reduce Chronic Heart Failure & Hypertension
  • Improve Cardiovascular Function
  • Augment Circulation And Oxygenation Of The Body
  • Create Healthy Intracellular Communities Rich In Heat Shock Proteins

Consider two primary factors in determining life extension. The first is the ability to reduce the risk of mortality.  This concept, however, abides beyond the parameter of ‘life events’. If we can define ‘life events’ as, for example, motor vehicle accidents, natural disasters, crime, and other contributing causes of death that are not overtly health-related, meaning those occurrences outside of immediate control.

There is little action anyone can take outside of safety precautions and measures, so perhaps there ought to be a third-factor category labelled ‘Fate’. When it comes to maintaining a healthy body free of disease, sauna bathing certainly is a heavy hitter in any life extension program.

Sauna Bathing And Heart Health

Dr. Thomas Lee, a cardiologist from Harvard Medical, writes this. From heart disease to diabetes and a broad array of autoimmune diseases, many chronic illnesses respond positively to regular sauna bathing. Roughly 670,000 Americans die every year of heart-related diseases. As a general demographic, there is significant room for improvement in heart health.

While it is true that diet and other contributing lifestyle habits profoundly impact heart health, it is also true that regular sauna bathing demonstrates positive results for individuals living with chronic heart conditions. Moreover, it is relatively inexpensive, accessible, as well as enjoyable.

Establishing a healthy heart will undoubtedly be top of the list for anyone interested in longevity. In Harvard Medical Journal on Heart Disease Fatality reporting on a study involving individuals with cardiovascular disease, the authors write: “Frequent visits to a sauna were also associated with lower death rates from cardiovascular disease and stroke.”

Autoimmune Disorders And Sauna Bathing: Remission And Sauna Bathing

According to the National Institute Of Health, over 23.6 million Americans have autoimmune disorders. While many of the over 80 varieties of autoimmune disorders may not always be directly lethal, they can be debilitating and weaken immune defences that, ultimately increase mortality rates.

Sauna bathing capitalizes on the thermoregulatory trait of humans to continually find a balance of internal temperature. By this innate trait, a variety of the body’s systems are engaged to do this, including the triad of the autonomic nervous system, the hypothalamus (the emotional center of the brain), the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands.

Many autoimmune disorders, although they exist without a concrete causative factor, can be traced back to overextension of sympathetic dominance, or more colloquially put, living in states of stress for too long depletes the health of the body. A depleted physical form inevitably begins to demonstrate illness and disease. Sauna bathing nurtures the autonomic nervous system by ushering states of being back into parasympathetic dominance, where cellular regeneration occurs, as well as healing of the body's tissues.

Type II Diabetes And Sauna Bathing: Secretion Of Heat Shock Proteins Positively Affects Insulin Sensitivity

According to Dr. Philip L. Hooper of Colorado University Medical, in his published journal by the National Institute of Health, there is a strong correlation between full body thermal therapy, the production of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), and insulin sensitivity. He writes the following expanding on the relationship between this cascade of  biochemical change:

Research suggests that insulin sensitivity is low in tissues with fewer HSPs; this has a remarkable impact on both types of diabetes. This information suggests that as the number of HSPs increases in different body tissues, so too does insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity directly impacts the expression of both types of diabetes. While it is true that all thermal therapy induces increased HSPs, meaning either plunging temperatures or elevated temperatures, the former is certainly a more comfortable option! 

For various reasons, sauna therapy in its many forms is more pleasurable, accessible, and possibly a safer means by which to increase the production of heat shock proteins than extreme cold therapies. The development of Type II diabetes drastically impacts longevity in a significant portion of global society.

Brain Degenerative Diseases And Sauna Bathing:

According to a Finnish study that followed twenty men between the ages of 42 and 60 years over a decade, researchers found that regular sauna bathing (at least three times per week) had a strong correlation with the reduction of the expression of brain degenerative diseases. The authors of the publicized journal entitle their work:

An estimated 46 million individuals were diagnosed worldwide in 2015 with some form of dementia. Deterioration of brain function significantly reduces life expectancy and quality of life. Many factors indeed contribute to progressive brain degenerative diseases, but it is remarkable the positive impact that regular sauna bathing has on preventing the development of dementia.

In addition, not only is sauna bathing effective, but it is also enjoyable and relies on the natural functions of biology. Indeed, with the wellspring of available health benefits associated with sauna bathing, its impact on Alzheimer's and other brain degenerative diseases is astounding.

Factor # 2 Biological Age Versus Chronological Age: Genes, Proteins, And Cellular Expression

  • Heat Shock Proteins: Intracellular Health
  • Telomeres: The Longevity Protein Cap
  • FOX03: A Gene Necessary For Longevity
  • Autonomic Nervous System Health
Longevity is not only a matter of reducing mortality rate: Fundamental to any life extension program is the transformation of cellular composition, genetic expression, and a balanced autonomic nervous system that fosters the health of all tissues within the body’s systems.

What Is A Telomere, And How Does Its Length Affect Longevity? Ground Zero Of The Aging Process

Telomeres are the ‘caps’ that seal off the proteins at the end of every chromosome. Often likened to the plastic portion of a shoelace that keeps the lace from fraying at the end. Telomeres have three primary functions:
  • They help to organize each of the 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell
  • They protect the ends of the chromosomes by forming a ‘cap.’ This ensures the proper fusion 
  • They allow cells to replicate properly during cell division
The demonstration of increased biological age can be brought back to ground zero. Are telomeres maintaining length?

Every time DNA is replicated, the chromosome strands are shortened. This is fine because the end caps, the telomeres, take the hit of being shortened. Once telomere length is shortened excessively, DNA itself begins to be affected without the protective barrier, and demonstrable aging occurs.

Expert Tip: Longevity could be summed up in one sentence: Maintain telomere length; Maintain Youth!

So if every time cellular replication occurs and telomere length shortens, how do we keep telomeres healthy and long? Here is where regular sauna bathing comes in. Yes, it can ensure telomere health by sweating it out in a warm cabin-like structure! This is great news.

The action of telomerase allows cells to keep reloading without aging. How can an individual encourage telomerase? What specific actions can be taken to ensure telomeres maintain their length? Creating a healthy atmosphere in the intracellular community is crucial.

A study performed by Brigham Young University revealed that individuals who were able to sweat at least three times a week profusely demonstrated significantly longer telomere length. 

Profuse regular perspiration is so critical because Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) are produced in higher quantities. Singularly HSPs play a vital role in intracellular health. Often HSPs are considered protein chaperones; they escort, clean, and ensure a  healthy intracellular space void of excessive free radicals.

Through regular thermal, both hot and cold therapies, the body begins to produce more HSPs. This, in turn, aids in maintaining telomere length so that cellular replication can occur healthily without destruction to DNA.

Heat Shock Proteins, Telomere Length, And FOX03: The Longevity Cocktail

The triad of protein chaperones, protein end caps, and the longevity gene makes it possible to reduce the biological expression of age actively. Unfortunately, continued environmental stress may erode the efficacy of this triad.

When research is performed on the gene FOX03, changing the external environment to include more or fewer toxins directly affects the subject's lifespan.

Authors of: ‘FOX03: A Major Gene For Human Longevity’ published by the National Institute of Health and authored by Dr. Brian J. Morris, write: “…Because of its actions and strategic position concerning intracellular pathways, FOX03 has long been considered to play a pivotal role in the molecular basis of longevity”

As a healthy intracellular community is crucial for the gene FOX03, it becomes clear why augmented production of HSPs, the protein chaperone, is critical. Further, detoxifying potentially harmful pathogens while engaged in regular sauna bathing is paramount to maintaining the integrity of FOX03. The production of HSPs that occurs while engaged in sauna therapy is necessary to maintain a healthy intracellular community and, therefore, the integrity of the longevity gene FOX03.

The Autonomic Nervous System And Longevity

Imperative to longevity is a balanced autonomic nervous system; this ensures that individuals remain in states of stress response for prolonged periods. As the leading cause of chronic illness, stress is not news, but how does this work?

Understand that all involuntary processes within the body, including heart rate, digestion, cellular regeneration, circulation, and the list goes on, all take direction from the autonomic nervous system, thus the autonomic.

Within this system of the body, two states of being can occur but are mutually exclusive. This means that when the adaptive portion of the autonomic nervous system swings into sympathetic dominance, or survival states, circulation, hormone secretion, mood, heart rate, and many other involuntary actions are all affected.

Survival depends upon the individual’s ability to release cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenal glands to perform extreme acts of fight or flight; however, if individuals remain in stress response for too long, the body’s health is eventually eroded.

Regeneration, healthy digestion, and cellular nourishment only occur when the autonomic nervous system is in parasympathetic dominance. This means that healthy cell replication can only occur in states of relaxation. Sauna bathing is an incredible tool that aids in coaxing the autonomic nervous system back into states of regeneration where health and, ultimately, longevity can be experienced.

Anyone interested in promoting their health must find both easy and accessible means of drawing the autonomic nervous system out of states of stress response back into relaxation.

Adrenaline overload is a primary correlative factor in almost all autoimmune disorders. When the body remains in stress response for prolonged periods, eventually, the adrenal glands break down. Consider the health of the endocrine system; pineal, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands. When this system is in balance, many health benefits occur; likewise, when the endocrine system is out of balance, there is an erosion of health, vitality, and longevity within the physical form.

Individuals looking for longevity protocol would do well to add regular sauna bathing to a well-balanced, healthy diet, clean water, and plenty of rest!

Criteria To Acquire Results Successfully: The ‘How To’ Of Sauna Bathing For Longevity

With over 40 peer-reviewed articles on sauna bathing and longevity, one thing is clear; to benefit from the results of sauna bathing, the therapy must be engaged regularly. This means a minimum of three times per week for fifteen minutes.

Yes, sauna bathing promises compelling results for human longevity, but you must be willing to commit to regular sauna protocol.

It is no wonder that sauna bathing in its many forms has existed since before recorded history. Science has now enabled a means to measure these astounding truths; from reducing mortality rates by aiding in the prevention and remission of chronic illness to enhancing protein health and genetic expression, sauna bathing may hold the key to the fountain of youth. Still, you must be willing to turn to your heat therapy several times a week! 

Is sauna bathing the elixir of life? Perhaps. Indeed, it has stood the test of time and scientific research. If you feel moved toward a longevity program for yourself, take some time to discover what form of sauna bathing suits your personality and lifestyle!

Your Backyard Oasis is Waiting For You!

You can read more fantastic client testimonials and see all their products and services by clicking on the link below to check out the Backyard Living Center’s listing. 

Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub Experts at Backyard Living Center Share How Hot Tubs Benefit Your Immune System

 Backyard Living Center is a locally owned and operated Saskatoon hot tub & sauna storeThey offer an exclusive line of high-quality Canadian-built products that are ideally suited to the Saskatchewan climate with a variety of design choices, they have hot tubs, sauna and other products that will suit every lifestyle! Service means everything to owners Sheryl and Matthew! Whether it's finding the perfect sauna, spa, hot tub servicing or repair, water testing, or helping find or deliver parts for your hot tub, they're here to help. In this Saskatoon hot tub tip, we share how a hot tub from Backyard Living will benefit your immune system. 

Backyard Living Center Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub Store!

A Hot Tub From Backyard Living Will Benefit Your Immune System 

For many of us, the winter months go hand in hand with colds and flu. Once temperatures drop below freezing and the days and nights blend, we accept we are likely going to feel run down and sluggish. We find ourselves reaching for vitamins to try to feel a bit better. But what if we told you that a Beachcomber Hot Tub can be the perfect way to boost your immune system year-round?

Steps to a Stronger Immune System

There are numerous ways to encourage a healthy immune system. We are told to exercise, eat well, minimize stress, and get enough sleep. For some people, this is not always possible. Busy lives or physical limitations can make it difficult to achieve some or all. When you add a hot tub to your home, you are making immune-boosting activities effortless. 

Increased Blood Circulation

Improving your circulation has many positive effects on the body.

  • It quickly delivers oxygen and nutrients to your body cells while removing waste
  • Faster blood flow means higher production of white blood cells to fight off infections
  • It acts as a natural detoxifier—chemicals and toxins are removed from your skin during perspiration and blood flow

Better Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is important to ensure that your immune system is strong and ready to fight any threats. There are many ways to optimize your sleep:

  • Putting your phone away at least 30 minutes before you go to bed
  • Removing distractions from your bedroom, e.g. TVs, laptops
  • Increasing the natural production of melatonin


Incorporating a consistent exercise regime into your life can boost your immune system in different ways.

  • Increases immunity cells and makes them last longer in the body
  • Improves cardiovascular health, which improves overall health throughout the body
  • Raise your body temperature, which prevents bacteria from growing

Hot Tubs and Immunity

You might be wondering where a Hot Tub From Backyard Living Centre comes into this. Well, studies have shown that hot water therapy can cause a boost to overall immunity.

  • When we submerge ourselves in water for 15—30 minutes a day, we increase our blood circulation. This creates more antibodies and white blood cells and helps wash away the harmful toxins that leave our bodies.
  • The drop in temperature when we leave a hot tub encourages greater production of melatonin. This improves the quality of our sleep, meaning our bodies are more capable of fighting diseases.
  • Exercise isn’t always accessible to everyone, but a hot tub soak is a safe and gentle way to incorporate more activity into your day.

Your Backyard Oasis is Waiting For You!

You can read more amazing client testimonials and see all products and services they offer by checking out the Backyard Living Center’s listing by clicking on the link below. 

Backyard Living Center is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub, Sauna and Outdoor Furniture Store!

Maximize Your Health With a Sauna From Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub & Sauna Experts at Backyard Living Center

Backyard Living Center is a locally owned and operated Saskatoon hot tub & sauna storeThey offer an exclusive line of high-quality Canadian-built products that are ideally suited to the Saskatchewan climate with a variety of design choices, they have hot tubs, sauna and other products that will suit every lifestyle! Service means everything to owners Sheryl and Matthew! Whether it's finding the perfect sauna, spa, hot tub servicing or repair, water testing, or helping find or deliver parts for your hot tub, they're here to helpIn this Saskatoon sauna tip, we discuss maximizing your health with a sauna from Backyard Living Center.

Backyard Living Center Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub and Sauna  Store!

Maximize Your Health With a Sauna from Backyard Living Center

Backyard Living Center has a range of Canadian-made Cedar Saunas!

People are looking for more ways to care for their health and well-being. We cannot always control the environment around us, but we can control how we practice wellness. What better way to bring wellness into your home for you and your family to enjoy daily than your private sauna?!

Much has been made of the health benefits of sauna bathing, with good reason. Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy daily sweat. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived, and ready for whatever the day may bring.

A few minutes daily is all it takes to look and feel better. The body’s response to gentle, persistent heat is well-documented and proven day in and out by people worldwide. This is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits.

A sauna not only feels good, but it’s also good for your body. Not surprisingly, sauna bathers most frequently cite stress reduction as the number one benefit of sauna use. Medical studies often determine that stress in our daily lives can negatively affect our health. The vast majority of disease (e.g. heart disease) is partially stress-related. Heat bathing in a sauna provides stress relief in several ways. It’s a warm, quiet space without any distractions coming from the outside. As we say, "Step into a sauna, and close the door on the rest of the world." The heat from the sauna relaxes the body's muscles, improves circulation, and stimulates the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s all-natural "feel good" chemical, and their release provides a truly wonderful "after-sauna glow.”

German sauna medical research shows that saunas significantly reduced the incidences of colds and influenza amongst participants. As the body is exposed to the heat of a sauna, it produces white blood cells more rapidly, which in turn helps to fight illnesses and helps to kill viruses. In addition, saunas can relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of sinus congestion from colds or allergies - mainly when used with steam (tip: add eucalyptus to the water for added benefit and overall enjoyment). The steam vapour action helps to clear up unwanted congestion and is a beautiful aspect of the Finnish sauna experience.

As we progress through our stressful everyday lives, the sauna provides a pampering retreat - where we can relax and restore body and soul. Now is the time to maximize your health and keep your immune system strong by bringing a sauna into your home!

Your Backyard Oasis is Waiting For You!

You can read fantastic client testimonials and see all their products and services by clicking on the link below to check out the Backyard Living Center’s listing. 

Backyard Living Center is Your Trusted Saskatoon Hot Tub, Sauna and Outdoor Furniture Store!

Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store Palliser Rooms EQ3 Celebrates 20th Anniversary In Style!

Palliser Rooms is an independently owned business proudly serving Saskatoon and the surrounding area. Their experienced, friendly sales consultants are dedicated to ensuring your shopping experience is positive. This effort extends to their professional, courteous delivery team and onsite service department.  Their furniture brands are carefully chosen for their style and value with an emphasis on custom choices. In our latest article, we are shining a light on Pallier Rooms EQ3 as they celebrate their 20th anniversary! Palliser EQ3 is a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store.

Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store Palliser Rooms EQ3 Celebrates It's 20th Anniversary in Style!

In our latest article, we are shining a light on Palliser Rooms EQ3, a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store, as they celebrate its 20th anniversary! We are also running a contest to celebrate this awesome milestone on the Trusted Saskatoon Facebook page  
Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this article to see how to have not just 1 but 3 entries to win the $500 Palliser Rooms EQ3 Gift Card up for grabs!! 

Palliser Rooms EQ3 is an independent, locally-owned furniture store that opened in 2002. The store is well known in Saskatoon for offering a generous selection of contemporary and stylish furnishings and focusing on supporting Canadian-owned brands. The mission at Palliser Rooms EQ3 is to help you create a beautiful home for your family. The local team prides itself on offering personalized service that is forward-thinking and client-focused.

Brian and Judy Bird first owned and ran the local furniture store for about a decade and a half, then when the opportunity arose their daughter Allison, and son-in-law Tristan Rawlings, were able to purchase, and they now manage the family business.

When entering Palliser Rooms’ vast 23,000-square-foot retail space, you don't feel overwhelmed, which can be an issue in other warehouse-style national chain furniture stores. Palliser Rooms has a light, airy, visually stunning, surprisingly intimate, inviting feel. The smell of new and superior-quality leather furniture is appealing, and their careful arrangement of stylish accessories complements the floor models without overwhelming the eye.

The Secret Sauce?

Palliser Rooms EQ3 has hundreds of Google reviews, highly rated there and anywhere else you find online reviews. When reading the comments, it is abundantly clear that the staff at Palliser Rooms understand their customers. They recognize that high-quality products, excellent customer service, and fair pricing are the key to success, customer loyalty, and longevity in a competitive retail marketplace. 

"Always a fantastic experience at Palliser Rooms/EQ3, from Tristan through the entire Sales Team and all the staff. I'm always greeted and made to feel welcome as soon as I come through the door. Amazing selection of high-quality products!" - Christine McTavish
"I am so impressed with the low-pressure and top-notch service at Palliser Rooms. I didn't realize it is locally owned and operated!!! I strongly believe in supporting local, and it is really easy to support a local business when Palliser Rooms has excellent customer service and awesome prices. Thanks again for all your assistance with my furniture." - Dave Owens

Other Trusted Saskatoon Partners also agree…

"Great service, quality and price. Would highly recommend Palliser to anyone! We love Palliser Rooms/EQ3 furniture, and their service is excellent. They have some great furniture for small spaces, and I love all the custom options!" - Brad and Anna, owners, Wiebe Windows & More.
"Very helpful and made purchasing our furniture easy and enjoyable." - Sheryl Harras - Owner, Backyard Living Centre

The comments clearly reflect the company's commitment to providing excellent customer service. They speak to the beautiful taste and attention to detail. 


When we asked General manager Tristan Rawlings, what he thought was the secret to Palliser Rooms / EQ3's success, he said

"Palliser Rooms embodies an 'all about choices' philosophy. We understand whether you have an inherent "do-it-yourself" personality or find decorating an overwhelming process. Our staff is committed to providing valuable information, inspiration and the necessary tools to make your project-large or small-a success." 

What clearly defines Palliser Rooms is the idea that designing a home is a process and not just a matter of purchasing furniture or accessories to fill a void. If you are trying to plan out your decor for a new house or a redesigned space, they go the extra mile. If that is the case, the staff at Palliser Rooms encourages customers to bring their blueprints, drawings, pictures or ideas to the showroom. The professional consultants are committed to helping you plan your space and visualize your best look. Their goal is to take an experience that can sometimes be overwhelming and transform it into a "style journey" that is pleasant, easy, and fun. 

We want to congratulate Tristan and the Palliser Rooms EQ3 team on 20 years of excellence. We look forward to promoting them for many years to come. 

In the last 10 years, Palliser Rooms / EQ3 has been re-checked, re-verified, and mystery-shopped, and has passed each and every time. They continue to be one of the best furniture stores in Saskatoon and area and have always upheld our 5 TRUSTED GUARANTEES of service for their 11 YEARS as Trusted Saskatoon Partners.


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Palliser EQ3 - Given the Thumbs Up as a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store for over 11 years!

Palliser EQ3 is a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store!


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