Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning Pros at JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Explain Why Your Air Conditioner Is Freezing Up

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. JOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. In their latest article, they share the reasons  your air conditioner may be freezing up. 

Why Does My Air Conditioner Freeze Up?

As the Saskatchewan summer heat waves intensify, we rely on our air conditioners to provide us with cool and comfortable indoor environments. However, there may be instances where your air conditioner fails to perform optimally and starts to freeze up, leaving you perplexed and uncomfortable. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind this frustrating issue and explore some preventive measures to ensure your cooling system runs smoothly throughout the summer.

Insufficient Airflow:

One of the primary causes of an air conditioner freezing up is inadequate airflow. When the airflow is restricted, it can lead to a drop in temperature below the freezing point, causing condensation to freeze on the evaporator coil. A dirty air filter, blocked vents, closed registers, or obstructed ductwork can all impede airflow, so it is crucial to regularly clean or replace air filters and ensure proper ventilation throughout your home.

Low Refrigerant Levels:

Refrigerant is responsible for absorbing heat from your indoor air and releasing it outside. If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, it can lead to an imbalance in the system, causing the evaporator coil to become too cold and freeze up. This issue usually arises from leaks in the refrigerant lines, which require immediate attention from a professional at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning in Saskatoon.

Thermostat Issues:

Sometimes, thermostat malfunctions can contribute to air conditioner freezing. If the thermostat is set too low or is faulty, it can cause the cooling system to run excessively, leading to a drop in temperature and subsequent freezing of the evaporator coil. Ensure that your thermostat is calibrated correctly and consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for more precise temperature control.

Lack of Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is crucial for the proper functioning of any mechanical system, including your air conditioner. Neglecting routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning the coils, lubricating moving parts, and inspecting the refrigerant levels can increase the likelihood of freezing issues. It is recommended to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and identify potential problems before they escalate.

An air conditioner freezing up in the Saskatchewan summer can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. By understanding the common causes behind this issue, such as insufficient airflow, low refrigerant levels, thermostat malfunctions, and lack of maintenance, you can take proactive measures to prevent it from occurring. Regularly clean or replace air filters, ensure proper ventilation, and seek the professional services of JOB Heating and Air Conditioning to address refrigerant leaks or thermostat issues. Remember, investing in preventive maintenance can go a long way in keeping your air conditioner running efficiently, providing you with a refreshing escape from the summer heat. If you have not booked your appointment with JOB Heating & Air Conditioning to have your air conditioner maintained, please book today.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! They take pride in their work in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from their clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

‘Your Comfort is Our Concern!’

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts

Questions To Ask Before Taking a Pilates Class From Saskatoon Pilates Centre

Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the province's largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers, helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they explain Pilates.

Questions to Ask Before Taking a Pilates Class

The founder of the Pilates movement, Joseph Pilates said: “Physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.”

Let Saskatoon Pilates Centre help you find that “zest and pleasure”!

They are your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates and Health & wellness experts.

Here, they share another great tip on questions to ask before taking a Pilates Class:

What you should know – Finding an accredited Pilates Instructor

Pilates requires a skilled and knowledgeable teacher to guide the exercises to prevent injury. Pilates Method Alliance TM is the international, not-for-profit professional association dedicated to the teachings of Joseph and Clara Pilates. Its mission is to protect the public through certification and continuing standards such as an international exam for Pilates professionals.

When thinking about taking a Pilates class, ask:
  • What Pilates training does the instructor have?
  • What other complimentary training does the instructor have?
  • What certification do they carry?
  • Is it internationally recognized?
  • How many hours did they need to complete their certification?
  • How long has the instructor been teaching?
  • What liability do they carry?
  • What is the class size?
  • What will you take away from the program?

Pilates programs are designed on an individual basis to work with your body with its strengths and limitations. It is imperative that you choose a qualified and certified instructor.

Saskatoon’s Pilates Training Centre is committed to maintaining the high standards set by the PMA. Please join Kathy Bond and her teaching associates as they provide quality instruction in a nurturing and professional environment.

“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond

Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:

  • Mat Work
  • Equipment Work
  • Structural Integration Work
  • Group Classes
  • Open Gym
  • Personal Fitness Programs

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

Saskatoon Pilates Centre, Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio Shares Informative Tip That Explains Pilates

Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the province's largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers, helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they explain Pilates. Let Saskatoon Pilates Centre help you find that “zest and pleasure”! They are your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates and Health & wellness experts

Saskatoon Pilates Centre Explains Pilates

What IS Pilates?

The Pilates Method
Pilates is a method of exercise developed by German-born Joseph Pilates. In 1926, Joseph and Clara Pilates brought their exercise system, originally called “Contrology,” to New York City. The Pilates method is a physical movement program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body.

Pilates exercise focuses on postural symmetry, breath control, abdominal strength, spine, pelvis and shoulder stabilization, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and strengthening through all joints' complete range of motion. Instead of isolating muscle groups, the whole body is trained, integrating the upper and lower extremities with the trunk.

The PILATES system of exercises reawakens the mind-body connection for optimal physical conditioning. By emphasizing a mental awareness and a deep understanding of how the body moves, Pilates imprints efficient movement patterns that cross over into our everyday lives.

This revolutionary approach to fitness is suitable for all ages and body types. Whether the goal is to enhance a sporting or performance activity, rehabilitation from chronic pain or injury, or to gain a more active, healthy lifestyle, Pilates has something to offer everyone.

Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. The guiding principles of the Pilates Method are whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath.

With systematic practice of specific exercises coupled with focused breathing patterns, Pilates has proven itself invaluable as a fitness endeavour and as an essential adjunct to professional sports training and physical rehabilitation of all kinds.

Not Designed to be Aerobic:

Pilates exercise was never designed to be aerobic nor did Joseph claim that his exercises were aerobic. Recent research has supported this statement in showing that Beginner Mat Pilates is low-moderate intensity and Intermediate and Advanced Mat work meets the criteria for moderate intensity activities (Olsen, et al 2003).

Not Only for the Elite or Wealthy:

Joseph Pilates suggested that everyone should do his exercises every day. To book a private session with a Pilates teacher should be considered in the same arena as booking time with a massage therapist or personal trainer for $50-$100 per hour. Pilates teachers also recommend that their clients practice Pilates exercises daily or at least 3-4 times per week at home to supplement their training in the studio.

Not Only for Healthy or Well:

Joseph Pilates also modified his exercise method based on whether his client had injuries. Pilates can be modified for unfit, post-trauma, post-disease, and elderly, and it has been shown to increase enjoyment and participation in exercise even for children (Ickes 2005, Jago 2005).

Pilates is Not Fusion:

Pilates is performed on a mat or apparatus that Joseph Pilates designed: Reformer, Trapeze Table, Wunda Chair, High Back Chair, Ladder Barrel, Half Barrel, Spine Corrector, Ped-O-Pul, Head Harness, Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector, Magic Circle, Bean Bag and Pinwheel. Pilates is not performed in a pool, on a small or large ball or combined with other forms of exercise and is still called Pilates. Today, it is certainly acceptable to apply the principles to all forms of movement, exercise, sports and daily life activities as Joseph intended.

Purist vs. Modified Pilates:

The PMA believes that Pilates should evolve along with the advances of modern science, maintaining the integrity of the method with the safety and health of its participants always in mind. This means that if an exercise is determined to be contra-indicated or unsafe, we will respect it as historical repertoire and modify it or delete it from any client’s program that might be injured by performing the exercise. 

“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond

Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:

  • Mat Work
  • Equipment Work
  • Structural Integration Work
  • Group Classes
  • Open Gym
  • Personal Fitness Programs

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Discuss Common Dog Leash Walking Problems & How to Solve Them

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Are you having trouble walking your dog on the leash? You’re not alone. Lots of people have dogs that sniff or mark practically everything they walk by. Sometimes it feels like your dog is walking you!

If your daily walks are turning into a tug of war between you and your dog, these tips may come in handy.

Add structure into your walks

Doing things like changing pace, direction, and route will mentally engage your dog and keep him or her reacting to what you do next.

Limit the amount of slack for more control

This is a good idea especially at the beginning of a walk, when you want to establish who’s in charge.

Incorporate training into the walk

During your walks, make opportunities to use Sit, Wait, Stay, and Leave It commands. It’s good practice, good for engagement between you and your dog, and a good opportunity for praise (and treats!).

Give yourself goals

For example, every third house you pass, incorporate a Sit command. The next day, change it to a different command. It keeps the experience fresh and different. If they are cooperating and being good on the leash, give them some time to sniff around!

Dog walking takes discipline. But by filling walks with fun challenges, you’ll find that you can get more exercise done in shorter distances and in less time. There’s nothing better than a tired, happy, healthy dog!

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Tips About How to Keep Your Dog From Jumping on Your Guests

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Thousands of dog owners search for how to stop a dog from jumping up on people, doors, tables, fences, furniture, etc. You’re not alone! Greeting behaviour, door charging and jumping up are all common dog behaviour problems that a little patience and training can help overcome. As a company that has worked with over 3,000,000 pets, Invisible Fence® Brand has solutions to train your dog to stop jumping.

Keep reading to learn why dogs jump and how to prevent the behaviour with training tips, toys and dog barriers.

Why Do Dogs Jump?

In all the excitement of a new arrival, it’s common for dogs to charge the front door or jump on visitors when they enter the house. Many dogs jump to get your attention. Knowing why your dog jumps is an important first step to training your dog to stop jumping on people.

Training Tips to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

There are several training methods to prevent your dog from jumping on people. Regardless of which approach you take, remember teaching your dog not to jump takes patience and practice.

Some of the more common tips to prevent your dog from jumping on people at the door often include:
  • Rewarding good behavior
  • Teaching your dog to sit and stay
  • Withholding attention
  • Putting your dog on a leash
  • Crate training your dog
  • Moving your dog to another room

Toys to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

More specifically, if you have a dog that likes to jump up on people as they enter your home, you can also try keeping your dog occupied with some toys. Providing your dog with a toy like the Busy Buddy® Chamomile-Scented Calming Toys will keep your dog engaged when visitors arrive. We like this approach because it allows you to practice with your dog, while still giving them independence to play.

Barriers to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

Physical barriers, like baby gates, are another way to stop your dog from jumping up. The downside to physical barriers is that they are an eyesore and a hassle for humans to climb over. Invisible® barriers, like the Shields® Gate or Indoor Shields® Solutions, give you the best of both worlds. You can use these to train your dog to stop jumping up, while still letting you and your guests roam the halls (and doorways) seamlessly.

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  


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