Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning & Furnace Pros at Gibbon Share 5 Reasons Your Boiler May Not Be Working

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 years. They are a "total service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all their plumbing, air conditioning, and heating (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox Premier Dealer, the Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning team are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards. They are regularly evaluated through an independent customer satisfaction survey process. They are trained to design, install, service, and maintain home comfort and indoor air quality systems in Saskatoon. In their latest tip article, they discuss 5 Reasons Your Boiler May Not Be Working. With the colder Saskatoon weather coming, we want to make sure we are ready for our Saskatchewan Winters. 

5 Reasons Your Boiler May Not Be Working

Neglecting Maintenance:

Failure to perform regular boiler maintenance is a leading cause of boiler problems. Debris, scale, and dirt can accumulate over time, reducing efficiency and potentially causing breakdowns. Make sure you schedule annual maintenance checks to clean and inspect your boiler thoroughly.

Pressure Problems:

Low or high boiler pressure can lead to issues. Low pressure results in insufficient heat production, while high pressure can be dangerous and trigger system shutdown. Check the pressure gauge and keep it within the recommended range, typically around 1 to 1.5 bar, to ensure proper boiler operation.

Thermostat Troubles:

Sometimes, the issue lies with the thermostat rather than the boiler itself. Incorrect thermostat settings can lead to inadequate heating. Make sure your thermostat is programmed to your desired temperature, and consider replacing it if it’s malfunctioning.

Frozen Condensate Pipe:

In freezing weather, the condensate pipe that carries wastewater from the boiler to the drain can freeze and cause a blockage. When this occurs, the boiler may shut down to prevent damage. To fix this, thaw a frozen condensate pipe by pouring warm (not boiling) water over it and insulating it to prevent future freezes.

Faulty Components:

Boilers contain numerous small parts, and a failure in any of them can lead to system malfunctions. Parts like a malfunctioning pump, gas valve, or pressure relief valve can result in a loss of heat or even pose a safety risk.

Regular maintenance, proper pressure monitoring, thermostat adjustments, and insulation, as well as addressing faulty components, are essential for maintaining efficient boiler operation. If you’re uncertain about any of these signs or these issues continue, it’s a good idea to contact a certified technician from Gibbon’s Heating and Air Conditioning in Saskatoon who can assess and repair your boiler, making sure your home stays warm and comfortable during the winter months. Remember that addressing boiler issues promptly not only ensures your comfort but also extends the lifespan of your heating system.

See more of Gibbons Air Conditioning Articles and Tips here.

 Gibbon's Services Include

"A History of Professionalism, A Foundation of Trust"

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace & Duct Cleaners at Bridge City Duct Cleaning Tip About Commercial Ductwork in Winter

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace & Duct Cleaners Bridge City Duct Cleaning provides both residential duct cleaning and commercial duct cleaning and furnace maintenance services. Their team is professionally trained, qualified, bonded, and factory furnace and duct cleaning technicians. In their latest article, they explain the importance of commercial ductwork in winter.

Commercial Ductwork in Winter

As our Saskatchewan winter approaches, Saskatoon businesses must ensure their commercial HVAC systems are prepared to handle the challenges of the colder months. One critical aspect of this preparation is maintaining and optimizing commercial ductwork in Winter. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of commercial ductwork in winter and provide essential tips to keep your system running efficiently.

Temperature Control

Commercial ductwork plays a pivotal role in maintaining temperature control within your business. During winter, keeping the indoor environment warm and comfortable is crucial for the well-being of your employees and customers. Ductwork is responsible for distributing heated air throughout the building, ensuring that every corner remains adequately warm.

Energy Efficiency

A well-maintained and properly insulated ductwork system can significantly enhance energy efficiency during the winter months. It helps to minimize heat loss and ensures that the warm air generated by your HVAC system reaches its intended destination. This, in turn, can lead to lower heating costs and a reduced carbon footprint.

Preventing Cold Spots

Without efficient ductwork, some areas within your commercial space may experience cold spots. These cold pockets can be uncomfortable for employees and customers and may even lead to increased absenteeism and discomfort. By maintaining your ductwork, you can ensure even heat distribution, eliminating cold spots and maintaining a consistent temperature throughout your establishment.

Reducing HVAC Strain

A well-maintained ductwork system can reduce the strain on your HVAC equipment. When ducts are clogged with dust, debris, or other obstructions, your HVAC system must work harder to push heated air through the ducts. This extra strain can lead to premature wear and tear on your equipment, potentially resulting in costly repairs or replacements. Regular duct cleaning and maintenance can extend the life of your HVAC system.

Preventing Moisture Issues

During Winter, condensation can accumulate in ductwork, leading to moisture problems like mold and mildew growth. These issues cannot only affect indoor air quality but also pose health risks to occupants. Regular inspection and maintenance of your ductwork can help identify and address moisture-related concerns before they become major problems.

Air Quality

Winter often means sealed buildings with limited fresh air circulation. As a result, indoor air quality can suffer, leading to health issues for those inside. Clean and well-maintained ductwork can help mitigate this by ensuring that the air circulating through your HVAC system is free from contaminants, allergens, and pollutants.

In the cold Saskatoon winter months, commercial ductwork becomes an indispensable component of maintaining a comfortable, energy-efficient, and healthy indoor environment. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and insulation of your ductwork are essential steps to ensure it performs optimally during the winter season. By taking proactive measures to address any issues with your commercial ductwork, you can ensure that your business operates smoothly and that your employees and customers remain comfortable throughout the colder Saskatchewan months.

Now that you know about the benefits of clean commercial ductwork in winter but aren’t sure if your ductwork is clean, give Bridge City Duct Cleaning a call to get a quote online

Contact Bridge City Cleaning today to have your ductwork cleaned.

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace Experts at JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Share 10 Tips to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. JOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. In their latest article, they share 10 tips to prepare your furnace for winter.


Our Saskatchewan winters are around the corner, and it’s time to ensure that your home is ready to combat the chilly Saskatoon days and frosty nights. One of the most crucial steps in winter preparation is getting your furnace in tip-top shape. A well-maintained furnace not only keeps you warm but also saves you money on energy bills. In this blog, we’ll provide you with 10 tips to prepare your furnace for winter.

  1. Schedule a Professional Inspection: Start by scheduling a furnace inspection with a JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. qualified HVAC technician. They will check for any potential issues, clean essential components, and ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and safely.
  2. Replace or Clean Air Filters: Dirty or clogged air filters can reduce your furnace’s efficiency and worsen indoor air quality. Replace disposable filters or clean reusable ones before the heating season begins, and check them monthly throughout winter.
  3. Clean Vents and Ducts: Dust, debris, and even pests can accumulate in your vents and ducts, blocking airflow and reducing efficiency. Consider hiring a professional to clean them, improving air quality and furnace performance.
  4. Check for Leaks and Insulate: Inspect your home for drafts and seal any gaps around windows, doors, and vents. Proper insulation reduces heat loss and helps your furnace work less to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  5. Test the Thermostat: Ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly. Replace the batteries if needed and program it to a comfortable and energy-efficient temperature schedule for winter.
  6. Lubricate Moving Parts: Regularly lubricate your furnace’s moving parts, such as bearings and motors, to reduce friction and extend their lifespan. Refer to your furnace’s manual for guidance.
  7. Check for Gas Leaks: If you have a gas furnace, it’s crucial to check for gas leaks. If you detect a gas odor or suspect a leak, immediately turn off the gas supply and contact a professional.
  8. Inspect the Flue and Venting: Check the flue and venting system for any blockages or damage. Proper venting is essential to prevent carbon monoxide from entering your home.
  9. Replace Old or Faulty Thermostats: Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat if your current one is outdated. These devices offer greater control and energy-saving features.
  10. Stock Up on Supplies: Lastly, stock up on essential furnace supplies like air filters, spare parts, and a carbon monoxide detector. Having these items on hand can help you stay comfortable and safe throughout the winter.
Preparing your furnace for winter is a proactive step that ensures you’ll stay warm and cozy while also saving on energy costs. By following these ten tips, you’ll not only extend the life of your furnace but also enjoy a comfortable and efficient heating season. Don’t wait until the first frost – start your furnace maintenance today and embrace the winter season with confidence. If you have not booked your appointment with JOB Heating & Air Conditioning to have your air conditioner maintained, please book today.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! They take pride in their work in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from their clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

‘Your Comfort is Our Concern!’

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts

Trusted Saskatoon Breathe Better Indoor Air Quality Specializes in Looking After Commercial HVAC Systems

Breathe Better Indoor Air Quality is here to service all your Indoor Air Quality needs in Saskatoon. They provide the best furnace and duct cleaning in Saskatoon. In this article, they discuss specializing in looking after commercial HVAC systems

Breathe Better Specializes in Looking After Commercial HVAC Systems

Proper maintenance and cleaning of commercial HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems are essential for their efficient operation and to ensure good indoor air quality. Here are some tips for commercial HVAC cleaning:

1. Regular filter replacement: Filters in HVAC systems should be checked regularly and replaced as needed. Clogged or dirty filters can restrict airflow and reduce system efficiency. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for filter replacement frequency.

2. Cleaning of coils: The evaporator and condenser coils in HVAC systems can accumulate dust, dirt, and debris over time, affecting their efficiency. Regularly inspect and clean these coils using appropriate cleaning methods and products. Consider hiring a professional service for coil cleaning.

3. Cleaning of air ducts: Air ducts can accumulate dust, allergens, and contaminants. Periodic cleaning of air ducts helps maintain good indoor air quality and system efficiency. Professional duct cleaning services can use specialized equipment to thoroughly clean the ductwork.

4. Condensate drain maintenance: Condensate drains can become clogged with algae, debris, or sediment. Regularly inspect and clean the condensate drain lines to prevent blockages and potential water damage. If necessary, use a mild bleach solution to disinfect the drain lines.

5. Inspection and cleaning of fans and fan blades: Fans and fan blades can accumulate dirt and debris, affecting their performance. Inspect and clean the fans and fan blades regularly to maintain optimal airflow. Use appropriate cleaning methods and tools recommended by the manufacturer.

6. Maintenance of outdoor units: Outdoor units can be exposed to debris, leaves, and other obstructions. Regularly inspect and clean the outdoor units, removing any debris that may hinder airflow. Trim vegetation around the units to ensure proper airflow and access for maintenance.

7. Professional maintenance and cleaning: Consider hiring professional HVAC technicians to perform regular maintenance and cleaning of your commercial HVAC system. They have the expertise, tools, and knowledge to conduct thorough inspections, identify potential issues, and provide proper cleaning and maintenance.

8. Regular system inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your HVAC system to identify any issues or potential areas of concern. Early detection of problems can help prevent costly repairs and maintain system efficiency. Remember, proper cleaning and maintenance of your commercial HVAC system are crucial for optimal performance, energy efficiency, and good indoor air quality.

Following these tips and consulting with professionals can help ensure that your system operates effectively and provides a comfortable and healthy environment for occupants.

"Making indoor spaces a better place to breathe."
Breathe Better Indoor Air Quality Specialists is a  Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Duct Cleaners

How to Finance A New Hot Water Heater/Furnace By Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning & Furnace Pros at Gibbon

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 years. They are a "total service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all their plumbing, air conditioning, and heating (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox Premier Dealer, the Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning team are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards. They are regularly evaluated through an independent customer satisfaction survey process. They are trained to design, install, service, and maintain home comfort and indoor air quality systems in Saskatoon. In their latest tip article, they discuss how to finance a new water heater/furnace.

How To Finance A New Hot Water Heater/Furnace

Often when the hot water or furnace breaks down, it doesn’t seem to happen when our bank accounts are flush. It always seems to be at the worst of times.  

The financing for a new hot water/furnace at Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning is completed through 3rd party company called Before starting the loan process you can review what your payments would look like based on their finance calculator

To start the application for the new hot water heater/furnace application – you will need the following information.

What are you looking to finance, your options are:

  • Heating, Cooling & Water 
  • Pool & Spa 
  • Interior Improvements 
  • Exterior Improvements 
  • Retail
As you are looking to finance a hot water heater or a furnace, we recommend you pick the Heating, Cooling & Water option. 

After that, you have basic information to complete, i.e. your name, address, date of birth. At the end of this first page, you have the option to click off Consent to Obtain Credit Report and Consent to Electronic Disclosures, we recommend you check off both options. Once you hit the Submit option, you will need to advise the amount of the loan you need. We recommend that you have the quote from Gibbon’s available so you can pick the right range for the loan you need. You will also need to advise which fixture you need: hot water heater, furnace, or air conditioner. 

Hit Submit!

Wait about 5 minutes — you will receive an email once your application has been received with FinanceIt and your computer screen will have a large green square at the top of the page that says 


Next, you have complete information about your job and your income. Please note at this point you need to know how much your monthly mortgage or rent payment is. If you own, please include your monthly property taxes. 

Hit Submit! 

You will be advised if you are pre-qualified or not. If you are pre-qualified you will need to continue on from this point to set up your payments, confirm your identity and sign your loan agreement. Your loan is pre-approved for 6 months. 

Gibbon’s will contact you within 24 hours of your loan submission, if you have any questions about your loan and the equipment you need. 

From start to finish the process of how to finance a new hot water heater/furnace takes less than 15 minutes. If your hot water heater or furnace quits, Contact Gibbon’s Heating and Air Conditioning today to get a quote on your heating and air conditioning needs.  And complete your financing application to be approved for your loan.  

See more of Gibbons Air Conditioning Articles and Tips here.

 Gibbon's Services Include

"A History of Professionalism, A Foundation of Trust"

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals


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