Our Trusted Saskatoon Directory partners belong to all different industries and create all different products, services, that are delivered by all kinds of passionate local business owners. In the case of Decora Homes, a Trusted Saskatoon home building expert, they're creating a $21M home in the beautiful Saskatoon bedroom community of Greenbryre. But regardless of which categories our Trusted Saskatoon business partners belong in, they all have one thing in common, and that's TRUST.
Decora Homes, is known for their distinctive design, and custom contemporary homes. Decora will build a home to reflect both your personality and the needs of your family. Their custom designs are eye catching, and in this case, they caught the eye of the CTV Morning News Team. Watch the video to learn more about this beautiful $21M Decora Homes home:
Congratulations to Whitney, Rhonda, and the rest of the Decora Homes team on this great news feature! If you're interested in contacting them with a custom home building inquiry of your own, visit www.decora-homes.com. The custom home building process will not only set your property apart from the rest, but it'll also increase the functionality for you and your family. If you're ready for a fun, creative, and rewarding home building process give Decora Homes, a Trusted Saskatoon custom home building expert, a call.