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Trusted Tips & Resources

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Share How to Keep Your Dog From Digging in Your Flower Bed

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Many pet owners struggle with keeping their dogs out of their gardens and flower beds. Not only do you want to protect your landscaping, but you also want to keep your dog from accidentally eating harmful plants or compost. To help protect your dog and your garden, we put together our top tips on how to keep your dog from digging in your flower bed.

Why is my dog digging in my flower beds?

Before trying to change your pet’s behaviour, it is important to understand why that behaviour occurs. Dogs can dig up the garden for several reasons. Many dogs do not like to use the bathroom where they play. For these dogs, your secluded flower beds are the perfect place to relieve themselves away from their activity space.

Dogs also use dirt as a way to cool off. For some dogs, rolling in the dirt from your flower bed or garden after digging can provide the perfect cool down on a hot Summer's day. While some dogs have practical reasons for digging up your garden, others can simply dig out of boredom.

Ways to prevent your dog from digging in your flower bed.

There are several different methods to keeping your dog from digging up your flower beds or garden. In some cases, giving your dog plenty of stimulating exercise can prevent digging caused by boredom. Providing your dog with toys while they are outside can keep him distracted and out of your flower beds.

Another solution is Invisible Fence® Brand’s Outdoor Shields® Solutions. Our Outdoor Shields are Outdoor Shields are Invisible® barriers that help keep your dog out of the landscaping and other outdoor trouble spots — like garbage cans, pools, grills and fire pits. Our certified trainers teach your dog his boundaries without fear or confusion, so you can be confident your dog will stay within the boundaries you set.

Keeping your dog from digging in your flower beds doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Since 1973 Invisible Fence® Brand’s innovative solutions, industry-leading training and expertise have given more than 3 million pets newfound independence and security - while also instilling confidence in their owners.

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

How To Keep Your Cat Off The Counter From Trusted Saskatoon's Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

There are certain things only cat owners understand. In addition to how to keep cats from scratching your furniture and how to keep cats from pooping in your yard, the other most frequently asked how-to question for feline companions is how to keep your cat off the counter. Lucky for you, we put together a short video from our Certified Pet Trainer, Sandy Benes, with tips on how to keep your cat off the counter.

Why Do Cats Jump on the Counter?

The key to preventing your cat from jumping up on your counter is understanding why your cat is jumping on the counter in the first place. Cats jump on the counter for a variety of reasons including looking for food or a safe secluded area. Cats naturally also like to be elevated and counters provide the perfect location for them to get a wider view of their territory.

Solutions to Keep My Cat Off the Counter

Prevent your cat from jumping on the counter by using common household items like tin foil or double-sided sticky tape. The sound and feel of these on your cat's paws work as a deterrent to keep them off your counter.

Another product to stop your cat from jumping on your counter is Invisible Fence® Brand's Indoor Shields® Solutions. Indoor Shields units provide safe, Invisible® Boundaries to keep your cat away from certain areas like your counters.

Keeping your cat from jumping on the counter is no easy task. But since 1973, Invisible Fence® Brand has helped cat owners find customized solutions to keep your cat and your home protected. 

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Pro Pics For Your Website - A Smart Branding Decision From Trusted Saskatoon Photography Expert at Imagery Photography

Photographs... memories and precious moments in our lives captured in time with a click of a camera shutter. These are the occasions and days of our lives that only happen once. Trust the professionals at Imagery Photography Saskatoon with your special moments because they understand the importance these memories hold and work with you to ensure that they stay with you for a lifetime. Imagery is your Trusted Saskatoon photographer and in this latest article, owner Milton shares group family photo tips. 

Pro Pics For Your Website - A Smart Branding Decision

Having professional pictures on your website can greatly enhance its overall appearance and effectiveness. Here are some reasons why you should consider using professional pictures on your website:

1. First Impression: When visitors land on your website, they form an immediate impression based on what they see. Professional pictures can create a positive and professional first impression, conveying that you are serious about your business and dedicated to providing high-quality products or services.

2. Visual Appeal: High-quality, well-composed photographs can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your website. They capture attention, engage visitors, and make your website visually appealing and memorable. Professional pictures can help you stand out from competitors who may use generic or low-quality visuals.

3. Branding and Identity: Professional pictures can play a crucial role in establishing and reinforcing your brand identity. They can reflect your brand's values, personality, and unique selling points. Consistent use of professional visuals across your website helps to create a cohesive and recognizable brand image.

4. Showcasing Products or Services: If you sell products or offer services, professional pictures can effectively showcase them. High-quality product images that capture details, textures, and features can help potential customers understand and appreciate what you have to offer. Professional pictures of your services in action can demonstrate your expertise and help clients envision the benefits.

5. Building Trust: Professional pictures lend credibility and professionalism to your website. They show that you have invested in presenting your business in the best possible light. Visitors are more likely to trust a website that displays professional visuals, as they perceive it as a reflection of the quality and reliability of your products or services.

6. Emotional Connection: Professional pictures can evoke emotions and create a connection with your audience. They can capture human expressions, tell stories, or showcase moments that resonate with your target market. Emotionally compelling visuals can help build a connection and foster engagement with your website visitors.

7. Customization and Uniqueness: Stock photos are readily available, but they lack originality and may be used by multiple businesses. Professional pictures allow you to create custom visuals that are unique to your brand. They can reflect your specific products, team, location, or company culture, making your website more personalized and distinctive.

8. Social Media Integration: Professional pictures can be used not only on your website but also across your social media platforms. Consistent visual branding across your online presence strengthens your overall brand identity and helps to establish recognition and familiarity among your audience.

9. Higher Conversion Rates: Compelling visuals have the potential to increase conversion rates on your website. When visitors are engaged and emotionally connected through professional pictures, they are more likely to take desired actions such as making a purchase, submitting a contact form, or signing up for a newsletter.

10. Long-lasting Investment: Professional pictures are an investment that can benefit your website for an extended period. Unlike generic or low-quality visuals that may quickly become outdated or lose their impact, professional pictures have longevity and can be used for years, providing ongoing value and return on your investment.

Working with a professional photographer who understands your brand and vision is crucial for capturing the right images that align with your website's purpose and target audience. Collaborate with the photographer to communicate your goals, discuss your brand identity, and plan the visual elements that will best represent your business on your website.

As Milton Says...TREASURE LIFE 

Imagery Photography Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Photographers

Invest In a Pro Headshot From Trusted Saskatoon Photography Expert at Imagery Photography

Photographs... memories and precious moments in our lives captured in time with a click of a camera shutter. These are the occasions and days of our lives that only happen once. Trust the professionals at Imagery Photography Saskatoon with your special moments because they understand the importance these memories hold and work with you to ensure that they stay with you for a lifetime. Imagery is your Trusted Saskatoon photographer and in this latest article, owner Milton shares group family photo tips. 

Invest In a Pro Headshot

Investing in professional headshots can have several benefits, especially in professional settings. Here are some reasons why you should consider investing in professional headshots:

1. First Impression: Your headshot is often the first visual impression people have of you, whether it's on a website, social media profile, or business card. A professional headshot presents you in a polished and professional manner, making a positive first impression and conveying credibility.

2. Branding and Personal Image: A professional headshot helps to establish and reinforce your personal brand. It can communicate your values, personality, and professionalism. Consistently using a high-quality headshot across different platforms and marketing materials helps to build a cohesive and recognizable personal image.

3. Professionalism and Trustworthiness: A professionally taken headshot conveys a sense of professionalism, competence, and trustworthiness. It demonstrates that you take your personal and professional image seriously and care about how you present yourself to others.

4. Stand Out from the Crowd: In a competitive job market or professional landscape, having a standout headshot can make a difference. A well-crafted headshot that captures your unique qualities and professionalism can help you to stand out among others in your field or industry.

5. Versatility and Flexibility: Professional headshots can be used across a variety of platforms and purposes. Whether it's for a LinkedIn profile, company website, speaking engagements, or conference materials, having a high-quality headshot gives you the flexibility to present yourself consistently and professionally in different contexts.

6. Networking and Personal Connections: A professional headshot can make it easier to connect with others, whether it's through networking events, professional associations, or online interactions. It helps people to recognize and remember you, making it easier to build relationships and create opportunities.

7. Career Advancement: If you're seeking career advancement or job opportunities, a professional headshot can contribute to a positive perception of you as a candidate. It can demonstrate your professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to presenting yourself in the best possible light.

8. Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs: For entrepreneurs and business owners, a professional headshot is essential for personal branding. It helps to humanize your brand, build trust with potential customers or clients, and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

9. Social Media Presence: In today's digital age, social media platforms play a significant role in personal and professional networking. A professional headshot is crucial for maintaining a consistent and professional online presence. It increases your chances of being taken seriously and attracting the right connections and opportunities.

10. Longevity: Unlike casual snapshots or self-taken photos, professional headshots are timeless and can be used for an extended period. Investing in a high-quality headshot means you can use it for several years, saving you time and effort in updating your image frequently.

Remember, when investing in professional headshots, it's important to work with a skilled and experienced photographer who understands your goals and can capture your unique qualities effectively. Communication with the photographer about your needs, style preferences, and desired outcomes is key to ensuring you receive headshots that align with your professional image and personal brand.

Read the glowing client testimonials from the clients Trusted spoke to on the As Milton Says...TREASURE LIFE 

Imagery Photography Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Photographers

Trusted Saskatoon Photography Expert at Imagery Photography Share Group Family Photo Tips

Photographs... memories and precious moments in our lives captured in time with a click of a camera shutter. These are the occasions and days of our lives that only happen once. Trust the professionals at Imagery Photography Saskatoon with your special moments because they understand the importance these memories hold and work with you to ensure that they stay with you for a lifetime. Imagery is your Trusted Saskatoon photographer and in this latest article, owner Milton shares group family photo tips. 

Group Family Photo Tips

​​Taking a family group photo can be a memorable and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to help you capture a great family group photo:

1. Plan the Location and Time: Choose a location that is meaningful or visually appealing. Consider natural light and background elements that will enhance the photo. Plan the time of day when lighting conditions are favourable, such as during the golden hour (early morning or late afternoon).

2. Coordinate Outfits: Encourage your family members to coordinate their outfits without being too matchy-matchy. Choose colours and styles that complement each other and the location. Avoid patterns that may be distracting or clash in the photo.

3. Pose and Arrange: Plan how you want the family to pose and arrange themselves before taking the photo. Consider the size and composition of the group. Use a combination of sitting, standing, and different levels to create depth and visual interest.

4. Focus on Connection and Interaction: Encourage your family members to interact and show genuine emotions and connections. Capture candid moments of laughter, hugs, or playful interactions. These genuine moments often result in the most heartwarming and memorable photos.

5. Use a Tripod or Stable Surface: To ensure a sharp and well-composed photo, use a tripod or stable surface to stabilize your camera. This allows you to set up the composition, join the photo, and use a timer or remote shutter release to take the shot.

6. Consider Composition: Pay attention to the composition of the photo. Use the rule of thirds to place key elements, such as faces or focal points, off-centre for a more balanced and visually pleasing image. Take multiple shots from different angles and perspectives to capture a variety of options.

7. Capture Individual Shots: In addition to the group photo, take individual shots of each family member or smaller subgroups. This allows for more versatility in displaying the photos and provides opportunities to focus on each person's unique personality and expression.

8. Engage with a Photographer: If you want to be in the photo and not behind the camera, consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in family portraits. They can guide you through the process, provide direction, and ensure a high-quality result.

9. Be Patient and Have Fun: Taking a family group photo can be challenging at times, especially if there are young children involved. Be patient, relax, and create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. Encourage laughter and playfulness to capture natural and joyful expressions.

10. Edit and Preserve: After the photo session, select the best shots and consider editing them to enhance colours, contrast, and overall appearance. Preserve the photos by printing them, creating albums, or displaying them digitally to enjoy and share with your family and future generations.

Remember, the most important aspect of a family group photo is capturing the love, connection, and memories shared among family members. So, enjoy the process, embrace the imperfections, and treasure the moments captured in the photograph.

As Milton Says...TREASURE LIFE 

Imagery Photography Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Photographers


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