Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning & Furnace Pros at Gibbon Share How to Save on Your Gas Bill!

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 Years. They are a "total service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all their plumbing, air conditioning, and heating (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox Premier Dealer, the Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning team are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards. They are regularly evaluated through an independent customer satisfaction survey process. They are trained to design, install, service, and maintain home comfort and indoor air quality systems in Saskatoon. In their latest tip, they review how to save on your natural gas bill. Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals.


Natural gas is an important part of Canada’s energy resources. More than six million Canadians use natural gas to light, heat and cool homes and businesses, to heat water, and for cooking.  Many Canadians have higher natural gas bills than they would like.

Check for Aging Equipment

If you are running an old, inefficient boiler or heating system, it may be wasting much of the energy it produces. It may never have had top-notch efficiency, to begin with, or it may have lost some capability with time and wear.

Blocked Vents and Impeded Airflow

The arrangement of the furniture and appliances in your home may block vents and restrict airflow. In this case, your natural gas heating system is likely working overtime because it’s much more difficult to heat your home to a comfortable temperature.

Lower the Thermostat

Especially in the winter, when gas bills soar, lowering the thermostat by even a couple of degrees can make a difference in your bill, helping you save as much as 5 to 10%. If lowering the heat would make your home uncomfortable in the evenings, try reducing the temperature only at night, or during the day if family members are at work. 

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

Have Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning recommend a smart thermostat for your home. You can program a smart thermostat to adjust the heat to your particular schedule, so you won’t be heating or cooling your house even when no one’s home or everyone’s snuggled in bed. 

Turn Down the Water Heater

Some homes’ water heaters are set as high as 140 degrees, but most people don’t need their water that hot. To help save money on your gas bill, check your water heater and see if you can turn the temperature down while still allowing for comfortable showers and warm water for dishes.

Keep Doors and Windows Closed During the Winter and Open During the Cool Summer Nights

Along the same lines, be sure to keep doors and windows closed when your natural gas heating system is running. Opening windows and doors is great for cooling off a hot house on summer evenings, but in the colder seasons, it will let valuable heat escape.

Bundle Up

Especially in the winter, wearing extra layers helps keep your thermostat settings low and your gas bills reasonable. If you’re wearing a sweater or some cozy flannel pants, you may not even notice that you’ve turned the thermostat down a few degrees. And using extra blankets or down comforters can help keep you warm at night when your thermostat is in its energy-saving mode.

Natural Gas Check-Up

Have Gibbon Heating & Air Condition do a check-up on your plumbing, air conditioning and furnace. The check-up may show you how to save money on your Natural Gas Bill.

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 Years, a “Total Service” company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Heating/ Furnace (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox dealer, Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards!

See more of Gibbons Air Conditioning Articles and Tips here.

 Gibbon's Services Include

"A History of Professionalism, A Foundation of Trust"

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning Experts at Razor Share Why Your Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling

At Razor Heating & Air Conditioning, the primary focus is to provide Saskatoon and surrounding area customers with quality work, prompt service, and innovative real-world solutions to everyday mechanical and home comfort issues. Whether it be an upgrade or repair to your current home or mechanical needs of a new home, Razor Heating and Air are the people to turn to for all your Air Conditioning, Heating and Indoor Air Quality needs. Their real-world, on-the-job trained employees have the industry experience and know-how to look past the rough edges of renovation or construction. The professionals at Razor strive to bring you quality products and services with a budget-minded solution. Razor Heating & Air Conditioning is a TRUSTED SASKATOON AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE EXPERT!

Why Your Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling

An A/C unit that’s not cooling your home is a big problem. After all, that’s its one job.

When you’re A/C doesn’t perform as it should, it’s frustrating, time-consuming, and very hot.

There are several reasons your air conditioner may be failing to perform. The experts at Razor Heating and Air Conditioning are going to walk through each one – and how best to fix it.

1. Your Thermostat Isn’t Cooperating

Your first stop is your thermostat. You should make sure that your thermostat is not only set to ‘ON’ but that it is set to ‘COOL’. Test that it’s working by setting the thermostat several degrees cooler than the stated temperature. You want to feel that chill!

If you can hear the air conditioner running, but minutes later still don’t feel any cool air coming through the vents, there could be something wrong with your thermostat and its electrical wiring. Fixing that problem is best left to a professional. You should also make sure all your windows and doors are sealed shut, and your supply and return vents are open and unblocked. It’s little things like this that are easy to forget about but super easy to fix.

2. A Breaker Has Been Tripped

This tip is only for those homeowners whose air conditioners are not running at all. Your A/C runs on electricity. No electricity going to your air conditioner means no cool air making your home a summer paradise. It’s time to travel to the location of your breaker panel and do a check. The breakers for your air conditioner should be clearly labeled. Flip them off and on again, and see if this makes a difference.

3. Your Air Filter Is Clogged

Just because your air filter is located in your furnace’s blower doesn’t mean it isn’t used by your air conditioner. Your furnace’s air handler is what pushes the cooled air through the filter, through your ductwork, and into your home.

Therefore, if your air filter becomes clogged with dirt and debris, it’ll act a lot like a cork in a bottle: little to nothing is getting past it. Razor Heating and Air Conditioning recommend checking your filter once a month and changing it at least every 3 months – more often if you have hairy pets, allergies, or a lot of people living in your home. Air filters can be found at local hardware and home stores. Make sure you replace your current filter with one that is the same size.

4. Your Outdoor Unit is Coated in Dirt and Debris

Sensing a theme here? Dirt is no friend to an air conditioner. Your air conditioner condenser is located outside your home and left exposed to the elements when in use. After a while, all that wind and rain is bound to blow some dirt and debris into it. If there’s too much dirt, your condenser can’t perform the heat exchange process efficiently. There are things you can do to help with this particular problem.

For example, tidying up the landscaping around your condenser will help keep branches, bushes, and other vegetation from adding to the debris buildup. Razor Heating and Air Conditioning recommend keeping about 46 centimeters of space clear on all sides of your condenser. You should also wash your condenser regularly with water and soap. Gently wipe away dirt from the condenser fins, being very careful that they don’t break. In the offseason, make sure your condenser has a cover and it is secured tightly.

5. Houston, We Have a Mechanical Problem

While annual maintenance is an excellent way to reduce your risk of mechanical breakdowns, they can still happen. Whether it’s a broken fan motor or compressor, a mechanical problem could be the reason your A/C is not cooling properly. If you suspect a mechanical problem, you should call Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning Experts at Razor Heating and Air right away.

6. The Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioner is Leaking

Air conditioners use continuously circulating refrigerant to cool air. Normally the level of refrigerant never changes and your air conditioner is perfectly fine. If you spring a leak, that refrigerant level drops – and so does the amount of cool air you get. Refrigerant leaks can be identified by ice buildup, hissing noises, or a noticeable decrease in cooling efficiency. If you think you have a refrigerant leak, turn off your air conditioner and call us right away. This is a problem that should only be handled by experienced professionals.

7. Your AC Wasn’t Properly Installed

Unfortunately, this is seen all the time with both air conditioners and furnaces. An improperly installed air conditioner just won’t provide the cool air you need in an efficient manner. This is something you’ll notice after you get a new air conditioner. They can provide you with a second opinion, and do what they can to fix any potential problems. The size of your air conditioner is also incredibly important. If it’s too big or too small, you won’t be able to efficiently cool your home. Before you buy an air conditioner, meet with a qualified home specialist who can perform an evaluation and make recommendations.

8. Your Air Conditioner is Over the Hill

There comes a day when even the best air conditioner in the world just gets to be too old. Generally, after 15 years, you want to start paying close attention to how your air conditioner performs. If it gets to a point where you’re spending hundreds of dollars a year to keep it going, or you’re A/C is not cooling your home at all, it’s time for a replacement. The experts at Razor can perform an in-home consultation and walk you through the latest models, making recommendations for your home and your needs.

Get Help from the Professionals at Razor Heating and A/C

Trusted Saskatoon's Heating and Cooling Experts, Razor Heating and A/C are there to help you with all your Heating, Air Conditioning, and Indoor Air Quality Needs. Contact Razor today!

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning & Furnace Pros at Gibbon Have Summer HVAC Tips!

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 Years. They are a "total service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all their plumbing, air conditioning, and heating (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox Premier Dealer, the Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning team are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards. They are regularly evaluated through an independent customer satisfaction survey process. They are trained to design, install, service, and maintain home comfort and indoor air quality systems in Saskatoon. In their latest tip, they share tips to minimize strain on your HVAC system this summer. Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals.


Saskatchewan summer is around the corner, and having a well-functioning HVAC system to keep your home cool is essential. Here are some tips to minimize strain and help keep your system running efficiently all summer long.

Leave The AC On Even When You Are Not Home

It is often thought that turning off your AC when you leave your home can save you money. However, this is not the case. Turning off your AC will only cause the unit to have to work harder to achieve the set temperature once it is turned on again. In addition, turning off your AC will increase humidity, creating condensation issues. 

Programmable thermostats regulate the temperature of your home while you are away. All you have to do is set them so that the temperature is higher during the hours you will be away, and lower for the hours you will be home. Programmable thermostats help minimize strain on your HVAC system and save you money.

Ensure Windows And Doors Remain Shut

When windows and doors are left open, hot air is able to enter the home. Allowing this hot air in will create more work for your HVAC unit that is already working overtime. Not to mention, open windows and doors allow for pollutants and allergens to enter the home easily which does not foster a healthy environment.

Change Filters Regularly To Ensure Cleanliness

When air filters are dirty, less air is able to flow through. As a result, your system must work harder to cool the home. When airflow is restricted by a dirty filter, less air passes through the evaporator coil. This puts your system at risk for the coil to freeze as there is less heat for the coil to absorb. 

Do Not Shut Too Many Registers

Since the duct system in your home is designed to circulate air at a certain pressure, it is very important the registers remain open. Shutting registers means the system has to work harder, it does not reduce the amount of air the system is creating. Shutting registers will overwork your HVAC system, which will not prolong its longevity.

Ensure Annual Maintenance Is Complete

Remember that you are not always the expert when it comes to your HVAC system, and you don’t need to be! Calling a professional for your regular maintenance will ensure all system components are clean, and that the system is in good working order for the summer months. 

These are a few tips to minimize strain on your HVAC system to help keep your home cool. Following these tips will ensure you and your family stay comfortable this summer. Trust Gibbon to satisfy all your air conditioning needs. When it comes to air conditioning, Gibbon offers a full line of services including new installation, repair, and general maintenance. Be sure to schedule a seasonal maintenance appointment for your air conditioning system before the warmer months hit by contacting Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning.

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 40 Years, a “Total Service” company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Heating/ Furnace (HVAC) related requirements. As an Independent Lennox dealer, Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are proud to provide prompt, courteous, and professional service that is required by Lennox’s Quality standards!

See more of Gibbons Air Conditioning Articles and Tips here.

 Gibbon's Services Include

"A History of Professionalism, A Foundation of Trust"

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning Experts at Gibbon Heating and Air Explain Why Air Conditioners Freeze

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 30 Years,  a "Total Service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all your heating and cooling needs. They provide prompt, courteous and professional service. In their latest Air Conditioning Tip they explain why air conditioning units freeze up.  Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals

So, Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze Up?

Here are a few idea’s to keep in mind:

AC PROBLEM: Clogged Air Filter  

One symptom that causes a majority of air conditioning issues is a dirty air filter. When your air filter isn’t cleaned/replaced monthly, dust and dirt can build up and obstruct proper air flow. In turn, this causes your refrigerant to over-cool and freeze any condensation located on your air conditioner.


Inspect your air filters monthly. If you see dirt beginning to form, give it a clean . We recommend to clean or replace your filters every 4-12 weeks. If the filter looks unrecognizable, the best option is to replace your air filter.


AC PROBLEM: Low Refrigerant

Another symptom is low refrigerant levels. This can be one of the key causes for your air conditioner freezing up. This culprit can be at the center of many issues you’re experiencing with your AC unit. In regards to freezing, a low level of refrigerant will cause the evaporator coils to freeze over. Your refrigerant can run low when you have a leak, caused by holes or cracks anywhere in your system


Contact Gibbon Heating to access the situation. NOTE: R22 refrigerant is no longer manufactured. In most instances your old R22 system will likely need replacement.


AC PROBLEM: Drainage Issues

Frozen pipes AirconditioningThe main drainage issues are:

  • Dirt causing a blockage
  • The drain line and pipe are loose.

When it comes to a blockage, the water can be disrupted by dirt buildup and can eventually cause the air conditioner to freeze up. When your drainage pipes are loose, the water will begin to leak all around the air conditioning system and later freeze over if the leak isn’t cleaned.


During humid days, check on your drainage pipes. Be sure you see water traveling through the drainage system. If you’re experiencing a clogged drainage pipe, contact us to make an assessment.


AC PROBLEM: Thermostat Levels

Blasting your AC can be an easy way to turn your air conditioner into an ice cube.By frequently placing your thermostat at a low temperature, you’re producing a higher risk of freezing your coils.


To help with that, do not drop the temp down below 21-22 deg C. If you have a programmable stat, set it the sameway you do heat in the winter (this saves money and is not so hard on your system)


AC PROBLEM: Fan Malfunction

A faulty fan is another issue that can result in a frozen air conditioner. Good indicators for a fan malfunction is if you’re not feeling any air out of the registers. Check that the system is on. Condensation will build up over time. The overage of condensation can build up on your AC coils and result in them freezing because of lack of air flow.


If the fan is damaged or simply not working, call Gibbon Heating and Air and we can can help get you up and running\

See more of Gibbons Air Conditioning Articles and Tips here 


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