Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Financial Advisors at Wiegers Financial & Benefits Explain How To Make The Most of Your RRSP

Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of the largest private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms in Saskatchewan. Their Financial Planning Division provides business owners, households, retirees, and students with expert investment and insurance planning services to help them reach their long-term financial goals. They also have a Benefits and Personal Insurance planning division. 


Matching each saving option to your specific financial situation

Building savings can be challenging; there are plenty of other things to spend your money on.  That being said, the satisfaction of watching your savings grow will likely outlast the thrill of your latest online purchase.  To maximize your savings potential, you can add guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), mutual funds, segregated funds, stocks and bonds to your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or tax-free savings account (TFSA)[1]

Accelerate your savings

Here are a few options you can consider to make the most of your contributions:

  1. Pay yourself first with a pre-authorized chequing contribution plan.

A pre-authorized chequing (PAC) contribution plan helps you make regular, automatic contributions to your investments. It’s “paying yourself first” by treating regular savings like any recurring payment. This strategy is more effective because contributing more frequently gives you the advantage of dollar-cost averaging.[2]

Talk with your advisor or investment representative about adding an option that gradually increases the amount you contribute over time. It’s like giving your investments an annual raise, which can make a big difference to your savings.

  1. Catchup on unused RRSP contribution room with an RRSP loan

An RRSP loan can boost your savings by allowing you to catch up on RRSP contributions[3]. By catching up on contributions using a loan, you’re giving your investments the most available time to grow[4]. It helps you now and in the future because it:

  • It gives you more money earlier to grow your investment.
  • Potentially creates a larger nest egg down the road.
  • Reduces this year’s tax bill through an income deduction equal to the amount of your allowable RRSP contribution.

Borrowing your RRSP contribution doesn’t have to be costly. You can use any tax refund to help pay down your RRSP loan, which means you’ll benefit from tax advantages right away.

Despite the advantages, RRSP loans aren’t suitable for everyone.

  1. Contribute to a spousal RRSP

In a spousal RRSP, the higher-income spouse makes an RRSP contribution and claims the tax deduction, but the other spouse owns the plan and the money in it. Spousal RRSPs are generally used to equalize income during retirement, lowering the overall family tax rate as a result.

This type of plan can be advantageous if one spouse earns a higher income than the other. Any contributions made by the higher-income spouse will reduce his or her individual RRSP contribution room for the year but won’t affect how much the lower-income spouse can contribute to his or her individual RRSP.

If a spousal RRSP annuitant withdraws an amount from the account, all or part of the withdrawal would be taxed to the contributing spouse and not the annuitant to the extent that contributions were made in the year of the withdrawal or the previous two calendar years.

When it comes to investing, the earlier you start, the better.  If you have any questions, please speak with your financial advisor.

Taylor Szeto, B.Comm.

Insurance Representative, Wiegers Financial and Insurance Planning Services Ltd.

Account Representative, Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc.

Contact them today for a no-obligation consultation to determine how they can help you.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits Is A Trusted Saskatoon Financial Advisor 

The opinions expressed are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc.

Mutual funds are offered through Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc. Insurance products and services are offered through Wiegers Financial & Insurance Planning Services Ltd. Banking products and services are offered by referral arrangements through our related company Manulife Bank of Canada.

[1] If you want to add segregated funds to your RRSP, you must be 16 years of age (18 in Quebec). If you want to add segregated funds to your RRSP, you must be 16 years of age (18 in Quebec).

[2] Dollar cost averaging means investing smaller amounts at regular intervals, rather than saving up to invest in one lump sum. It can help you avoid jumping into the market at peak times by purchasing more fund units when values are low and fewer fund units when values are high.

[3] While borrowing to invest has many potential benefits (investing an initial lump sum creates greater potential for compound-growth compared to making smaller regular investment purchases), leveraging also has potential risks (market volatility may result in poor investment returns and the possibility of owning more on the loan than the investments are worth).

[4] RRSP loan proceeds cannot be used to fund TFSA contributions

Trusted Saskatoon Group Benefits Advisors at Wiegers Financial & Benefits Explain The EI Premium Reduction Program

Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of Saskatchewan's largest private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms.  In this latest Wiegers Group Benefits expert tip, they explain how the EI Premium Reduction Program benefits employers and employees with group short-term disability insurance. Wiegers Financial & Benefits is a Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits expert.




The Employment Insurance (EI) Premium Reduction Program is a government incentive that allows employers to pay EI premiums at a reduced rate if their employees are covered by group Short-Term Disability insurance.  The Program intends to reduce the EI premiums of both the employer and the employees (though, for administrative reasons, legislation reduces only the employer’s premiums).  Consequently, the Program requires that the employer return a portion of the savings to all the employees for whom the reduced rate applies.  Some of the more popular means of doing this include providing employees with a cash rebate (taxable income), paying for new or enhanced employee benefits, or hosting a staff party – each of which typically has a direct and positive impact on employee morale.  Only written mutual agreements that identify how the employees will benefit from the reduction will be accepted.

Your company qualifies for the EI premium reduction if it:

  • Provides at least 15 weeks of benefits for Short Term Disability
  • Matches or exceeds the level of benefits provided under EI
  • Pays benefits to employees within eight days of illness or injury (the elimination period cannot exceed 7 consecutive days)
  • Is accessible to employees within three months of hiring
  • Covers employees on a 24-hour-a-day basis


Maximum insurable earnings in 2021 are $56,300.  An employee who earns this much (or more) will pay EI premiums of $889.54 (calculated at 1.58%). For this calculation, we have used a reduced employer multiplier of 1.166.  Note that reduced rates change annually on January 1st and are prorated throughout the year.  If you apply effective January 1st, your rate will be slightly lower than if you apply at a later month in the year.

Employer regular premium =                                          $889.54 x 1.4 = $1,245.36

Employer reduced premium =                                        $889.54 x 1.166 = $1,037.20

Amount of total premium reduction =                              A – B =  $208.16

Employee’s portion of reduction =                                 C x 5/12 = $ 86.73

Employer’s portion of reduction =                                  C x 7/12 = $121.43

Assuming the above numbers, an employer can save as much as $121.43 annually in EI premiums per employee and can return $86.73 in some form to the employee and/or his or her colleagues.  The financial incentives for utilizing the program are clear.


To participate in the Program, you must register by submitting an initial application form, which is available on Service Canada’s website at  If you already participate in the Program, you needn’t reapply; your entitlement will continue until you change or cancel your approved plan.

Debra L. Wiegers, GBA, CLU, Ch.F.C.
Managing Principal, Benefits Division  

Wiegers’ Benefits Consulting Division includes many consultants and support staff who custom-design the most employee-valued and cost-effective group benefits, personal insurance, employee assistance programs, and retirement plans available. Contact them today for a no-obligation consultation to determine how they can help you.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits are Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits Advisors 

Trusted Saskatoon Group Benefits Advisors at Wiegers Financial & Benefit Share The Importance of Benefits Plan Administration Tasks

Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of the largest private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms in Saskatchewan. Its Saskatoon Financial Planning Division provides business owners, households, retirees, and students with expert investment and insurance planning services to help them reach their long-term financial goals. They also have a Benefits and Personal Insurance planning, division. In this latest Wiegers Group Benefits expert tip, they explain the importance of benefits plan administration tasks. Wiegers Financial & Benefits are Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits experts.



Plan administration is an important job! An eligible employee who is not insured correctly or who has not been offered benefits can not only have a negative impact on the employee’s well-being but it can also pose liability issues for you and the business.

What types of plan administration tasks do you need to remember?

Most such tasks apply to all employees so they should become an automatic part of your group benefits plan administration. Some of the most important tasks include the following:

  • It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that each employee is enrolled properly and on time. If an employee is enrolled late on the plan (typically 31 days after becoming eligible to join), his or her coverage is typically not guaranteed. The employee and his or her dependents will be considered late applicants, and will need to complete and submit forms about their health. They will then need to be medically approved before enrolling on the plan, at which point they will likely learn that their coverage is restricted or has been declined entirely. This not only has the potential to negatively impact the employee’s and/or dependents’ well-being but it also poses a significant liability risk to the employer. It is far better and easier for everyone for an employer to enroll an eligible employee properly and within the required timeframe.

  • In almost all cases, it is to the employer’s and employees’ benefit to make participation in the benefits plan mandatory. If an employee was permitted to join a plan only when he or she anticipates needing a claim paid, this would make the plan financially non-viable; both non-claimers and claimers need to be contributing premiums into a plan to build up funds to cover claims (similar to home and other forms of insurance). This is why Wiegers Financial & Benefits recommends that employers make participation in their benefits plan mandatory for all eligible employees. If, though, you wish and are able to permit employees to waive all benefits coverage under your plan, it is important that you have those employees sign a group benefits plan waiver form that makes clear that you offered coverage to these employees but that they chose to decline it.

  • Almost all group benefit plans permit an employee to waive Health and/or Dental coverage if he or she has comparable coverage through another plan (typically a spouse’s plan). The employee must be enrolled for all other applicable benefits on the plan as Life, Disability and other benefits are not offered to dependents.

  • Changes to an employee’s coverage must be submitted to your group insurance carrier no later than 31 days after the event. Have your employees communicate regularly with you about changes that need to be made such as:
    • Marriage, divorce, new baby, legal guardianship of child (requires proof)
    • Overage dependents, enrollment in a secondary school with the required amount of classes
      Note: Dependents over age of 18 working more than 20 hours per week are not considered eligible for coverage under a parent and should be removed from the benefits plan

  • If you have employees who are eligible to apply for additional Life and/or Disability coverage above what is automatically provided through your benefits plan, it is your responsibility to advise them of the option to apply. To apply, the employee must complete a health questionnaire provided by the carrier. If he or she chooses not to apply, Wiegers Financial & Benefits recommends that the employee sign a waiver confirming that he or she is aware of the option to apply for additional coverage but has decided against it.

There are, predictably – or not-so-predictably – a number of other plan administration tasks that employers like you need to be diligent about remembering to do to ensure that your employees and their dependents have all of the coverage available to them (and that you’re not doing anything to put yourself or your business in a liable position). An effective and talented benefits advisor will ensure that you are aware of all of the plan administration tasks you need to be aware of, and will ensure that you are also aware of any particularities about your own plan that differ from the norm. As long as you remember to do what you need to do, you’ll have a benefits plan that helps you take care of your valued employees and their families while also preventing you from liability. Benefits plan administration done correctly is a win for all.

Amanda Getzlaf,
Benefits Account Manager, Wiegers Financial and Insurance Planning Services Ltd.

Wiegers’ Benefits Consulting Division includes many consultants and support staff who custom-design the most employee-valued and cost-effective group benefit, personal insurance, employee assistance programs, and retirement plans available. Contact them today for a no-obligation consultation to determine how they can help you.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits are Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits Advisors 

Trusted Saskatoon Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Experts at Perfection Plumbing's Mystery Shop Results

Being a Trusted Partner on the Trusted Saskatoon Directory of Excellence comes with a lot of responsibility - no other directory, advertising company, or 'watchdog organization' puts businesses through the ongoing process we do before we promote and endorse them.

Why Choose a Business On the Trusted Saskatoon Directory?

All of the Trusted Saskatoon partners have to pass a unique verification process, they are then annually contracted to uphold our 5 Trusted Guarantees. The partners then become part of a local community of Saskatoon and area businesses that we promote with a strong local marketing campaign. We also have a Trusted MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM. This is where we find and engage with normal everyday people, just like you, who are looking for products and services in Saskatoon and area. We approach individuals we can see are looking for a local business and we ask them to mystery shop Trusted Saskatoon Partners. Those that agree to be Trusted mystery shoppers go about their usual business, except at the end they fill out a report to tell us about the experience. We then share it with you! We are thrilled to share our latest mystery shop. 

 Perfection Plumbing Mystery Shop Report!

Perfection Plumbing & Drain are Trusted Saskatoon Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Experts

Date of Mystery Shop: July 2023

Name of Shopper: Chad M.


1. How was the greeting/ welcome/ call answered? Extremely friendly and helpful.

2. Product/industry knowledge of staff? Both people I talked to were very knowledgeable and helpful - the plumber was very particular and did extremely good work.

3. If a quote was required, was it well laid out/ clear? Verbal quote over the phone was given.

4. Overall experience 1-10. 10

5. Would you return as a customer/ recommend them to close friends? Absolutely yes.

6. Did anyone stand out as exceptional? If so who? Why? No, although my father-in-law who supervised the installation raved about how particular and thorough the plumber was.


1. Provide the service and quality promised - Yes

2. Complete the job on time - Yes

3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises - Yes

4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs - Yes

5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind - Yes


The only thing they could do better… I called on a Saturday and the call centre person who answered said they do work on Saturdays and someone would call me that day. I got a call on Monday morning. It was not urgent and was ok to leave until Monday however I was expecting a call on the weekend because that is what I was told would happen.


Yet again showing you deserve the Thumbs Up from

If you are experiencing any problems with your toilet or just want an updated look and better water efficiency, contact us at 306-652-9556 or fill out our contact form for more info.

Trusted Saskatoon Salon Hairstyle Inn Explain how to properly care for your hair

Hairstyle Inn Salons in Saskatoon is a family run business with 3 generations of artistic hair design. The design team members have trained thousands of stylists and they are regularly used by major manufacturers to showcase their color, cut and texture design techniques. Also, impressively, the artistic design teams work has been featured in movies, theatre, hair shows, commercials, fundraisers, TV & Awards. Hairstyle Inn are Trusted Saskatoon salons. In their most recent blog, they discuss how to properly care for you hair to keep it healthy. 

How To Properly Care For Your Hair 

HSI Tips and Tricks to keep your hair healthy 

Proper hair care is essential to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Here are some tips to help you take care of your hair and make it amazing:

  1. Wash your hair regularly: Find a balance between washing your hair too frequently, which can strip away natural oils, and not washing it enough, which can lead to a buildup of dirt and oil. Generally, washing your hair 2-3 times a week is sufficient for most people, but adjust based on your hair type and personal preference.

  1. Use the right shampoo and conditioner: Choose hair care products that are suitable for your hair type and concerns. For example, if you have dry hair, opt for moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. If you have oily hair, use products designed to control oiliness. Additionally, avoid using excessive amounts of styling products as they can weigh down your hair and cause buildup.

  2. Condition your hair regularly: Conditioning helps to keep your hair moisturized, smooth, and manageable. Apply conditioner from mid-length to the ends of your hair, focusing on the areas that are prone to dryness. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly or in some cases you may need to leave it in.

  3. Protect your hair from heat: Limit the use of heat styling tools like hairdryers, straighteners, and curling irons, as they can damage your hair. When you do use them, apply a heat protectant product to minimize heat damage. Additionally, allow your hair to air dry whenever possible to reduce heat exposure.

  4. Be gentle when handling wet hair: Wet hair is more vulnerable to damage, so avoid rough towel-drying or vigorous brushing when your hair is wet. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water with a soft towel and use a wide-toothed comb or a brush specifically designed for wet hair to detangle it.

  5. Protect your hair from the sun: Prolonged sun exposure can lead to dryness and damage to your hair. When spending time outdoors, protect your hair by wearing a hat or using hair products that contain UV filters. You can also apply a leave-in conditioner with SPF for added protection.

  6. Trim your hair regularly: Regular trims help to prevent split ends and keep your hair looking healthy. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks, or as needed, to remove any damaged or split ends and promote hair growth.

  7. Maintain a balanced diet: Good nutrition is essential for healthy hair. Include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and legumes, in your diet. Drinking an adequate amount of water also helps to keep your hair hydrated.

  8. Avoid excessive brushing and tight hairstyles: Brush your hair gently, starting from the ends and working your way up to avoid unnecessary breakage. Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on your hair, as they can lead to hair breakage and traction alopecia.

  9. Listen to your hair and your hairstylist: Pay attention to how your hair responds to different products and treatments. Everyone's hair is unique, so what works for others may not work for you. Experiment and adjust your hair care routine based on what makes your hair look and feel its best.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to hair care. By following these tips and establishing a regular hair care routine that suits your hair type and concerns, you can maintain healthy, vibrant hair.

Your hair is your #1 fashion accessory!

Hairstyle trends change like the weather, but Shelley, Laddie, and rest of the Hairstyle Inn team are always keeping up to date! For the best Saskatoon salon experience and Trusted customer service call Hairstyle Inn salon> today or get more Hairstyle tips Inn in our Trusted Salon Tip Library.


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