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Trusted Tips & Resources

Are Your Air Ducts Clogged? Expert Tip From Trusted Saskatoon Furnace & Duct Cleaners at Bridge City Duct Cleaning

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace & Duct Cleaners Bridge City Duct Cleaning provides residential and commercial duct cleaning and furnace maintenance services. Their team is professionally trained, qualified, and bonded, and they are factory furnace and duct cleaning technicians. 

Ensuring your HVAC system's best performance is important for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. One common issue that can hinder your system’s efficiency is clogged air ducts. Identifying the signs of clogged ducts is essential for addressing the problem quickly. 

Are Your Air Ducts Clogged?

Reduced Airflow:

If you notice a significant decrease in airflow from your vents, it could be a sign of clogged ducts. Reduced airflow forces your HVAC system to work harder, increasing energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Uneven Heating or Cooling:

Clogged ducts can disrupt the balanced distribution of air throughout your home. You might experience inconsistent temperatures, with some rooms feeling excessively hot while others remain cool. This inconsistency clearly indicates that your HVAC system is struggling to deliver the desired comfort.

Strange Odors:

Mould and mildew can thrive in damp, clogged ducts, producing musty odours that spread throughout your home. If you notice unusual smells when your HVAC system is running, it’s advisable to investigate the possibility of clogged ducts.

Visible Dust and Debris:

Check your vents for visible signs of dust or debris. Accumulated dirt in the ducts can be circulated into your living spaces, causing respiratory issues and reducing the overall air quality in your home.

Increased Allergies or Respiratory Issues:

Clogged ducts can lead to the buildup of allergens such as dust mites, mould, and pollen. If you or your family members are experiencing an increase in allergy symptoms or respiratory issues, it might be linked to poor indoor air quality caused by clogged ducts.

If you suspect your air ducts are clogged, taking action promptly is crucial. Hiring Bridge City Duct Cleaning can help remove accumulated debris and improve the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Regular maintenance, including cleaning or replacing air filters, can also prevent future clogs and ensure a healthier living environment.

In conclusion, staying vigilant about the signs of clogged air ducts can save you from potential discomfort, higher energy costs, and health issues. Regular HVAC maintenance and professional duct cleaning are essential to ensure your system operates at its best, providing you with a comfortable and healthy home.

Contact Bridge City Cleaning today to have your ductwork cleaned.

Trusted Saskatoon Experts at JOB Heating & Air Share How a New Furnace Can Save You Money

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. JOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. In their latest article, they share why buying a new furnace saves money. 


The cost of gas and electricity is always on the rise, and it is becoming increasingly important to consider the energy efficiency of your home furnace. While the cost of a new furnace is a shock for most people, it is beneficial in the long run. Here are a few reasons why buying a new furnace can save you money.

Repair Costs

furnace repair costs on older furnaces get expensive - new furnaces save money

Newer furnaces save money as they require less repairs. As with anything that gets older, your furnace requires more repairs as it ages. Over time, constant repairs add up and become expensive. Especially when many call-outs or after-hours calls are required, often these costs will exceed that of a replacement furnace. If you find that service calls are becoming more frequent, it is likely time to purchase a new furnace.

newer furnaces use less energy to save you money

Energy Efficiency

Newer furnaces save money as they are more energy efficient. Not only do old furnaces require more repairs, the cost of running and maintaining older furnaces is significantly greater. Overall, older furnace models consume more energy than newer models. Now that technology is more advanced, energy efficient and environmentally friendly furnace models exist and they are definitely better options. 

It is worth noting that older furnace models may also be heating your home unevenly. Naturally, older models are not as efficient in operation or functionality. Older furnaces just cannot keep up with household demands. They become strained which leads to bill increases. Newer furnaces are able to produce more heat while using less energy, saving you money on your energy bills.

Environmental Benefits

newer furnaces are more energy efficient than older ones

Though the environmental benefits of newer furnaces are not always top of mind, they are surely significant. Using efficient heating systems has a positive impact on the environment. With energy-efficient furnaces, the use of fossil fuels and power stations is decreased. This results in reduced consumption of natural resources and less pollution. If everyone made the switch to a more energy-efficient furnace, imagine the magnitude of impact this would have on the environment. 

Not only will a new furnace ensure more money remains in your pocket, but it will also provide you with peace of mind and a dependable source of heat for your home.

These are a few reasons why buying a new furnace can save you money. Be sure to schedule your routine furnace maintenance to ensure your system is running as it should. If you need any assistance with your furnace or home heating and cooling equipment, do not hesitate to contact our team at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! They take pride in their work in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from their clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

‘Your Comfort is Our Concern!’

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts

Trusted Saskatoon Experts at JOB Heating & Air Explain How To Protect HVAC Systems from Snow and Ice

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. JOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. In their latest article, they share reasons to keep your HVAC system protected from snow and ice this winter. 


The harsh elements are hard on anything left outside throughout the winter. Although air conditioner units are built to withstand winter conditions, they need help to remain protected. Especially in freezing temperatures, here are some reasons to keep your HVAC system’s outdoor unit protected this winter:

Built-Up Ice Damages The Outdoor Unit

Ice build-up can damage the outside and inside of your outdoor HVAC unit. As snow melts and re-freezes, cold temperatures cause blocks of ice to form in roofs, gutters, and other surfaces. Falling ice can also damage the exterior of your unit and the lines connected to your system. 

Ice build-up also causes internal damage to your unit. If snow and ice are not removed and build up on your outdoor HVAC unit, it causes system components to freeze. Extreme enough temperatures can cause motors to freeze, making your compressor unusable. The worst part is that you may not notice there is damage until you go to turn on your unit when the warmer months hit.

Rust Is Destructive

When snow and water are present, rust is an issue. Water expedites the oxidation process, particularly when combined with exposure to oxygen in the air. Although materials such as copper are resistant to corrosion, they are not rust-proof. Eventually, rust leads to a coil losing the capacity to operate and transfer heat properly under pressure. 

Rust will affect the internal parts of your HVAC unit and damage your system's external or structural parts. Although these components are painted or sealed, this is not enough to combat the power of rust. Typically, however, issues commence in unsealed locations such as bolts, screws, and the holes that keep your system together.

Snow And Ice Limit Air Flow 

Heat pumps are popular heating systems for many homeowners. Modern heat pumps quickly heat a home efficiently, even in temperatures below freezing. However, to be able to function, they must have access to enough heat, which can only be drawn from the air around them. Therefore, airflow is crucial for these systems. If snow and ice accumulate and block airflow, the system cannot do its job effectively. 

HVAC systems that fill up with snow will result in a similar situation. Heat transfer is impossible if snow enters the cage surrounding your interior components. As a result, your heat pump freezes, and your home will not have the heat supply it needs to be kept warm.

Ways To Protect Your Outdoor HVAC Unit

Protecting your outdoor HVAC unit from snow and ice is important to keep it in good working condition. Here are ways to protect your outdoor HVAC unit: 

  • During snow storms, always cover your HVAC system. Covering the system always gives critters a place to build a home and find shelter, which causes damage.
  • After a heavy snowfall, brush or sweep snow off your unit. Snow and ice build-up can damage it. 
  • Clear away the snow around the outdoor unit (at least a one-foot radius). With a heat pump system, the radius should be three to four feet. 
  • Never use hot water to defrost a frozen air conditioner. Hot water mixed with snow causes temperature shock, shattering even rigid metal. 
  • Always have your air conditioner inspected before use in the warmer months to ensure there is no lasting damage from the winter elements. 
These are a few reasons to protect your HVAC system from snow and ice this winter. Be sure to protect your system from the elements and schedule routine HVAC maintenance to ensure it is running as it should. If you need assistance with your furnace or home heating and cooling equipment, do not hesitate to contact the JOB Heating & Air Conditioning team. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! 

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace Experts at JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Share 10 Tips to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. JOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. In their latest article, they share 10 tips to prepare your furnace for winter.


Our Saskatchewan winters are around the corner, and it’s time to ensure that your home is ready to combat the chilly Saskatoon days and frosty nights. One of the most crucial steps in winter preparation is getting your furnace in tip-top shape. A well-maintained furnace not only keeps you warm but also saves you money on energy bills. In this blog, we’ll provide you with 10 tips to prepare your furnace for winter.

  1. Schedule a Professional Inspection: Start by scheduling a furnace inspection with a JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. qualified HVAC technician. They will check for any potential issues, clean essential components, and ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and safely.
  2. Replace or Clean Air Filters: Dirty or clogged air filters can reduce your furnace’s efficiency and worsen indoor air quality. Replace disposable filters or clean reusable ones before the heating season begins, and check them monthly throughout winter.
  3. Clean Vents and Ducts: Dust, debris, and even pests can accumulate in your vents and ducts, blocking airflow and reducing efficiency. Consider hiring a professional to clean them, improving air quality and furnace performance.
  4. Check for Leaks and Insulate: Inspect your home for drafts and seal any gaps around windows, doors, and vents. Proper insulation reduces heat loss and helps your furnace work less to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  5. Test the Thermostat: Ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly. Replace the batteries if needed and program it to a comfortable and energy-efficient temperature schedule for winter.
  6. Lubricate Moving Parts: Regularly lubricate your furnace’s moving parts, such as bearings and motors, to reduce friction and extend their lifespan. Refer to your furnace’s manual for guidance.
  7. Check for Gas Leaks: If you have a gas furnace, it’s crucial to check for gas leaks. If you detect a gas odor or suspect a leak, immediately turn off the gas supply and contact a professional.
  8. Inspect the Flue and Venting: Check the flue and venting system for any blockages or damage. Proper venting is essential to prevent carbon monoxide from entering your home.
  9. Replace Old or Faulty Thermostats: Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat if your current one is outdated. These devices offer greater control and energy-saving features.
  10. Stock Up on Supplies: Lastly, stock up on essential furnace supplies like air filters, spare parts, and a carbon monoxide detector. Having these items on hand can help you stay comfortable and safe throughout the winter.
Preparing your furnace for winter is a proactive step that ensures you’ll stay warm and cozy while also saving on energy costs. By following these ten tips, you’ll not only extend the life of your furnace but also enjoy a comfortable and efficient heating season. Don’t wait until the first frost – start your furnace maintenance today and embrace the winter season with confidence. If you have not booked your appointment with JOB Heating & Air Conditioning to have your air conditioner maintained, please book today.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! They take pride in their work in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from their clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

‘Your Comfort is Our Concern!’

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts

Trusted Saskatoon Air Conditioning Experts at JOB Heating & Air Ask: How Efficient Is Your Furnace?

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning Saskatoon is eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and the surrounding areaJOB Heating & Air are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. 

How Efficient Is Your Furnace?

In Saskatchewan, having an efficient furnace is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home. The efficiency of a furnace is typically measured by its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. The AFUE rating indicates the percentage of fuel that is converted into usable heat, with higher ratings indicating greater efficiency. Here are some crucial points to consider regarding furnace efficiency in Saskatchewan:

1. Minimum Efficiency Standards: The provincial building codes regulate the minimum AFUE rating for newly installed furnaces in Saskatchewan. As of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the minimum standard for residential gas furnaces in Saskatchewan is 92% AFUE. This means that a new furnace must have a minimum efficiency of 92% to comply with the building codes.

2. ENERGY STAR® Certification: Look for furnaces that have earned the ENERGY STAR certification. These models meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Canadian government and can offer significant energy savings compared to standard models. ENERGY STAR-certified furnaces typically have AFUE ratings of 95% or higher.

3. Variable-Speed Blower Motors: Furnaces equipped with variable-speed blower motors are more energy-efficient and provide better comfort by adjusting airflow to match the heating demand. These motors usually operate at lower speeds, consuming less electricity and reducing energy waste.

4. Zoning Systems: Consider implementing zoning systems in your home, if applicable. Zoning allows you to divide your home into different temperature zones, allowing for better control over heating specific areas. This can help optimize energy usage and provide personalized comfort.

5. Proper Sizing and Installation: It's crucial to ensure that your furnace is sized correctly and installed by a qualified HVAC professional. An oversized or undersized furnace can lead to inefficiency, increased energy consumption, and reduced comfort. A professional can assess your home's heating needs and recommend the right furnace size and installation practices.

6. Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for operating your furnace efficiently. Schedule annual inspections and tune-ups with a professional technician to clean and inspect the components, check for any issues, and ensure optimal performance. Keeping the furnace clean and well-maintained helps maintain efficiency and prolong its lifespan.

Remember, while a high-efficiency furnace can provide energy savings, the overall efficiency of your heating system also depends on other factors such as insulation, weather sealing, and proper usage. It's advisable to consult with our professional HVAC technicians. We can assess your specific needs, recommend suitable options, and ensure compliance with local regulations and codes.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts. They show up on time, deliver on budget, and leave the work area cleaner than when they arrived! They take pride in their work in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from their clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

‘Your Comfort is Our Concern!’

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace and Air Conditioning Experts


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