Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Experts at Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning Give Troubleshooting Tips About Furnaces

Gibbon Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Saskatoon and surrounding areas for over 25 Years, Gibbon is a "Total Service" company with trained technicians who are able to provide customers with solutions to all their SASKATOON Heating & Air Conditioning requirements!

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning are TRUSTED SASKATOON Air Conditioning & Furnace Professionals

Gibbon Heating and Air Conditioning Experts Give Tips for Troubleshooting Furnaces



Check Your Furnace Switch

Often this switch (that looks like a light switch) can be accidentally turned off.

Furnace Venting (High Efficient)

With a high efficient furnace, there are 2 plastic pipes going outside, one is an exhaust and the other an intake. When it is cold outside, these pipes can frost over or with lots of snowfall get plugged with snow and this causes the furnace to turn off on a safety switch. Visually check the piping for blockage, if there is, clear and power down the furnace and turn back on – this will reset the board and unit should start up.



Check the Thermostat

One of the most common issues with a furnace is that it stops operating normally due to issues with the thermostat. It could be as simple as the thermostat being turned off, or maybe it isn’t set correctly. You always want to make sure that it is set to the “heat” setting and that the temperature you want is set properly.

Check Your Breaker Panel

One of the more embarrassing fixes is a thrown breaker. There are many reasons for a breaker to trip, but the important thing is to quickly check. Hopefully, your electrical panel is labeled, but if not, you can usually see when a breaker is tripped. It is possible that your furnace and blower are on separate circuits, so look carefully.

Change the Furnace Filter Monthly

You would be surprised at how quickly dirty filters can degrade the performance of a furnace. When filters are dirty, your furnace has to work much harder to blow air through the dirt and dust on the filter. As the pressure builds up, it could cause the blower to shut down. It’s as easy as checking your filters on a monthly basis and changing them if they are dirty.

Clean the Fan Unit Regularly

Similar to a dirty furnace, a dirty or clogged fan unit will also make it harder for your furnace to push air through your house like it was designed to do. Removing a furnace fan unit requires a bit of technical know-how, but it is fairly simple and safe. Once you have it out, you can clean it with a brush or cloth, and a vacuum.

Check Ductwork for Debris and Joints

Sometimes it seems like it is only one or a few rooms that are not getting heat. If this happens, quickly check to see if all of the registers are opened properly and the cold air returns are not blocked. It is also a good idea to check all accessible ductwork to see if there are any issues with joints and seams.

Check the Gas Valve

It is also possible that the gas valve could have been accidentally bumped or shut off. It can happen if working around the furnace, moving things or even just cleaning up. Gas valves are labeled clearly and you can feel safe turning it to the on position. Once you have it in the right position, the furnace should start up again.

Common Repair Issues that Require Expertise

Wear and Tear on Furnace Parts

Your furnace parts will eventually break down and start to wear out. There are a lot of parts that can wear out including Belts, bearings, filters, motors, switches, fan blades, pilot, and burners—all should be regularly checked to ensure they are in good working order.

Thermostat Errors

Your furnace thermostat is the brain of your heating system. It is possible that the furnace is working just fine even though the thermostat is failing and causing it to act like there is something wrong. Troubleshooting a thermostat can be tricky and a trained technician will have all of the testing tools required.

Ignition Issues

The ignition and pilot system is critical to your furnace for producing heat. Without a properly functioning ignition system, it is not possible for your furnace to produce heat. There are many ignition systems including electric-powered (electrical spark), and gas or hot surface ignition.

Strange Noises or Rumbles

Furnaces have moving parts with bearings like the blower motor, and as a result, there is some normal noise. However, if you begin to hear strange or intermittent sounds like clangs, bangs, rumbles, rattles, squeaks, or other noises, this can indicate all kinds of potential problems. Your heater may have ingested outside debris or been inhabited by household visitors. There may also be loose or detached parts.

You can find Gibbon Heating and Air online Check out their listing here in the AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE Category on THE Saskatoon Directory of excellence. They are your Trusted FURNACE EXPERTS Right here in Saskatoon! 


Razor Heating and A/C, Trusted Saskatoon Cooling Experts- 10 Things You Didn't Know About Air Conditioning!

At Razor Heating & Air Conditioning, the primary focus is to provide Saskatoon and surrounding area customers with quality work, prompt service and innovative real world solutions to everyday mechanical and home comfort issues.

Whether it be an upgrade or repair to your current home, or mechanical needs of a new home Razor Heating and Air are the people to turn to for all your Air Conditioning, Heating and Indoor Air Quality needs. Their real-world, on-the-job trained employees have the industry experience and know-how to look past the rough edges of renovation or construction. The professionals at Razor strive to bring you quality products and services with a budget-minded solution.


Here are TEN things you didn't know about air conditioning. 

Nobody expects your ears to perk up when overhearing a conversation about air conditioning. As far as most homeowners are concerned, as long as they’re cool when they need to be and warm when they need to be, what else is there to care about? So, this goes out to everyone politely stifling a yawn when their HVAC technician starts explaining the ins and outs of their air conditioning unit. Air conditioning can be interesting!

To prove it, here are our Top 10 Fun Facts About Air Conditioning.

1. Forget comfort - the first air conditioner, designed by Willis Carrier in 1902, was designed to control the humidity in a New York publishing house. Its effects helped ink to dry faster and smudge free, as well as keeping the paper from expanding and contracting.

2. Do you love catching a summer blockbuster at the movie theatre? You can thank air conditioning. Moviemakers released their big pictures during the summer because people sought out the air-conditioned buildings to escape the heat.

3. Air conditioning makes springtime bearable. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics can thank air conditioning for providing them with clean, filtered air indoors.

4. All those “40 is the new 20” people can thank AC for prolonged life expectancy and the world changing advances in medicine. Without cool, controllable environments, certain medicines could never have been created and certain illnesses could never have been cured.

5. You wouldn’t be reading this article if it weren’t for air conditioning. That’s right, you can thank AC for the development of computer technology and manufacturing.

6. Vegas wouldn’t be VEGAS if it weren’t for AC. In fact, hotter states like Texas, Florida and Nevada can thank air conditioning for their population booms. Without AC, America’s economic power would rest squarely in the northern states.

7. It’s cool to be green. Manufacturing companies are making the switch from the old standard refrigerant, R-22, to R-410A. Removing chlorine from air conditioning refrigerants makes them ozone friendly.

8. High ceilings and open floor plans weren’t just pretty designs for homes. They were made to optimize air flow in a hot building. Now, you can live and work in towering glass buildings (thanks to air conditioning, of course).

9. Before buildings had central air conditioning, industries and even the government took a summer vacation along with school. Think things happen too slowly in D.C. now? Imagine working with 2-3 less months. Yikes!

10. Kids, thank your lucky stars! Even though summer vacation started out as a way to escape the heat, schools kept up the practice even after gaining air conditioning. 

Trusted Saskatoon's Heating and Cooling Experts, Razor Heating and A/C are here to help you with all your need Heating, Air Conditioning, and Indoor Air Quality Needs. Contact them today!


The Trusted Community rebuild of Janice's house. Janice's testimony of her experience


The Trusted team is SUPER excited to announce that the  Trusted Saskatchewan community rebuild of Janice Braden's house has been completed. Janice and her young daughter have a HOME again ...and a beautiful one at that!

We will be sharing pictures of the finished project soon, but first, we had to have a party to celebrate!

On August 13th, 2015 the Trusted team gathered Janice and as many of the Trusted partners who contributed to the project as possible to Village Guitar and Amp and celebrated this completion of this huge project. Nicola from PickNics Catering ( a Trusted Saskatoon caterer ) provided delicious food and the drinks flowed as we all laughed and chatted about the project. Friendships have been made on this project between the partners across Saskatchewan, and Janice Braden was kind enough to allow us to video her giving testimonials to all the Trusted partners and others that stepped up to help her in her moment of need!    

Please enjoy the video below, and please support these wonderful Trusted partners that really did make this happen. We are so proud to support and promote our partners as they really are all the REAL DEAL!   




Below is a list of the Trusted partners who stepped up, along with their suppliers ( Loraas ( free Loraas bin), RONA ( trims), Roofmart Prairie( all of the shingles!) and Dave at Heated Roofing Systems, Colorado, USA donated a brand new heated roofing system! Plus RONA for trims and lots of other bits of material and Winroc!

Perfection Plumbing - All the plumbing

Kitchen & Bath Classics - new bathroom vanity

JABA Construction- Project Management and numerous jobs!


Age Of Electric - ALL the electrics

Sunview Windows & Doors - $250 towards the rebuild

Conexus - donating $250 towards the re-build

Kari Calder- Century 21 - $300 in Home Depot Gift Certs

Hairstyle Inn's - $300 Gift Certificate to HSI

Made In The Shade $700 Gift Certificate for MIS

Adrenaline Roofing - Trusted Regina Partner- a NEW Roof and heated roof system!

Fresh Living - shopping help and design

BOW Home Services - Painting services 

Read The Janice's Build  full story from the beginning -   3 previous articles here



JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Trusted Saskatoon plumbing & HVAC pros share a real plumbing story

Saskatoon if you are looking for a Trusted company to help you with your home or business Heating or Cooling system problems or to find the best and most high efficient air conditioner or furnace for your home J.O.B. Heating & Air Conditioning is who you need to call! If your family suffers from allergies a new furnace that filters and helps to eliminate those unwanted allergens will make a real difference.

The amazing staff at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning will consult with you to get something that fits your exact and specific needs and budget. With a new high efficient furnace you should cut your heating bills about 35% on average. We all love saving money!



A Real Plumbing Story 


Recently, while doing a renovation in a very old commercial building, we found, as with a good majority of older structures, that the building had been neglected with many items falling into disrepair.  Some repairs were made incorrectly that negatively affected the structural integrity of the building. As we progressed with the reno, one item after another would crop up causing a one step forward and two steps back approach.



Two crucial steps  that affect any job are the deadline and total cost of that job. This one was no different, the deadline was fast approaching and many people’s lives were going to be negatively affected by missing this deadline. Professional contracting companies are legislated to put a high priority on safety no matter what the scenario. We attend safety courses offered by the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association or by retail suppliers to demonstrate our commitment to safety. The information we garner from the classes is very beneficial to our day to day operations. But what happens when push comes to shove and a deadline is looming, you have many hours and much material on a job that you haven't been paid for? Do you accept that there is "acceptable risk" because of the deadline or that you have money owing to you? I believe the answer to this is, no. Receiving a fine from the Government notwithstanding, I'm the person that after an accident happens will have to go and bring the wife, husband, Mother or Father to the hospital or dare I say morgue. To me this would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do in my life and if I was to ignore a safety concern because of a deadline or budget, how could I look my own family in the eye? As business owners we cannot be on every job site all the time. We rely on our supervisors and employees to bring these concerns to our attention and to deal with them promptly. As sub contractors we have an obligation to bring the safety concern to the General or building owner. But what happens when their good judgement is clouded by that looming deadline or budget restraint? Our training tells us that it doesn't matter. Work must stop and corrections must be in place to ensure the safety of all people on that job site, not just your own worker.



On this job site I mentioned, this was exactly what took place. The instructors in all the classes we have been taking said this would happen but it doesn't really prepare you for the reality when it does. I found myself with my team having an argument about what is considered safe and what measure's should be taken before we continue with work. The irony of this situation was this argument was taking place right beside a broken ladder owned by another trade or the general / owner himself. This was a metaphor for his safety plan on his job site. I had a hard decision to make, forget about the deadline and the financial cost or use "acceptable risk" and hope for the best. That's when I thought " do I want to make that call to a wife, or a new mother?" The answer was emphatically, no.



Upon reflection the valuable lesson that I learned was that safety has no price. Professional contractors of any kind believe and live this every day. Yes sometimes safety can be taken to the extreme or taken advantage of. It is the professional contractor and his commitment to ongoing learning and behavioural change that will make the correct decision when the time comes.


When you choose a contractor you should ask about their commitment to safety and be prepared yourself as the home owner or building owner to make the site safe. Or it could be you having to make the dreaded call to that young mother.



You can find JOB Heating and Air conditioning online Check out their listing here in the SASKATOON AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE  and in the Saskatoon Plumbing categories on THE Saskatoon Directory of excellence..they are Trusted boiler EXPERTS Right here in Saskatoon!



Trusted SK community steps up to help a local Saskatoon woman after her contractor nightmare Part 3 Janice's rebuild

The Trusted teamwork for the public, we do that by finding great local businesses, verifying they are as good as we have heard, and contracting them to uphold the 5 Trusted Guarantees. These 5 Trusted guarantees are the cornerstone of our business and the businesses we partner with, and if something does go wrong we hold the businesses to their obligations....that's what the Trusted Saskatoon businesses sign up for. That's why we promote them and why we believe they are the best businesses in the cities we serve. 

The first time you have heard of this?

Read/watch Part 1 here - see where it all began! 

Part 2 

Read the CBC Story Here  



JANICE'S BUILD- the Trusted Rebuild PART 3 

It's been over 6 months since we first brought you Janice's story, and we are getting to the final stages of this huge renovation here in Saskatoon!  CBC covered the story province-wide in December and it has also been featured in a number of National Publications including Canadian Contractor Magazine


Dave Andercheck from JABA Construction and his team have been project-managing the build - this is no mean feat!! Coordinating contractors, multiple companies across Saskatchewan's work schedules, inspectors and a plan to do everything in a logical order! Weather, vacations and material delivery has hampered efforts to get this job finished sooner and in this video you can really see what goes on to get a huge renovation ( estimated materials and labor donated will be $80-$100k) like this completed, and meet some of the amazing Trusted partners who tell us why they have stepped up to the plate!




We have already had so many wonderful Trusted Saskatoon directory partners offer Janice their help and have gone over and above in both free labour and materials ...  Trusted Regina partner Adrenaline Roofing - a new roof!!  

These partners, along with their suppliers ( Loraas ( free Loraas (bin), RONA (trims ),  Roofmart Prairie( all of the shingles!) and Dave at  Heated Roofing Systems, Colorado, USA donated a brand new heated roofing system! Plus RONA for trims and lots of other bits of material and Winroc! 



  1. Perfection Plumbing - All the plumbing
  2. Kitchen & Bath Classics - new bathroom vanity
  3. JABA Construction- Project Management and numerous jobs!  
  4. KTS Custom Cabinets - A NEW CUSTOM KITCHEN
  5. Age Of Electric - ALL the electrics
  6. Sunview Windows & Doors - $250 towards the rebuild
  7. Conexus- donating $250 towards the re-build
  8. Kari Calder- Century 21 - $300 in Home Depot Gift Certs
  9. Hairstyle Inn's  - $300 Gift Certificate to HSI
  10. Made In The Shade Gift Certificate for MIS
  11. Adrenaline Roofing - Trusted Regina Partner- a NEW Roof and heated roof system! 
  12. Fresh Living - shopping help and design 
  13. BOW Home Services - Painting services 
  14. Trusted Directories - $1000 of the project 



So whats next?  We are ever so close to getting done - so watch out for the final blog with the reveal video ....oh yes, then a PARTY!!  

A message from Janice Braden. " Yes, I have been terribly impressed by everyone who is coming in to work. It's almost like everyone feels a responsibility to prove what good workmanship should be - I hear snips of conversations about doing it right, double and triple checking, making sure things will last for years. Everything that is going in, layer by layer, is solid and of excellent quality and I couldn't be happier or more impressed. And yes, the ridiculous potlight is gone (Arlen from Age Of Electric said none of them was actually hooked to a switch anywhere..oh my!). "



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