- Non Profits
Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan

Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan

The Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan is a designated charitable fund created in partnership with the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation in April 2016.


This fund allows you to make directed donations toward addressing the unmet needs of children living with hearts conditions across Saskatchewan.

Your contributions will improve the health, wellbeing, and survival of these children by:

Providing additional equipment for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of these conditions. Establishing educational resources for these children and their families. Developing support services for these families at the time of diagnosis and procedures. Allowing a child and family to attend the highly successful CHAMPS summer camp

"Please donate today!"

Mending Little Hearts is a Trusted Saskatoon Non- Profit. 

TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation

TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation

The Kinsmen Foundation was established in 1971 and granted funds raised by local Kinsmen and Kinette clubs. When requests for assistance exceeded available funds, planning started in 1976 for a province-wide telethon as a significant fundraiser and the first TeleMiracle was started in Saskatoon in February 1977.

Today, the Kinsmen Foundation provides Saskatchewan residents with special needs equipment to improve quality of life, independence and access to life-saving medical treatment.

TeleMiracle is a 20-hour annual telethon that is broadcast live in Saskatchewan. Despite only having a population of around one million people, the generous residents of the province have raised over $159 million since 1977.

How You Can Help:


Kinsmen Foundation & TeleMiracle is a Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profit

Quick Info

TeleMiracle - Kinsmen Foundation
2217C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8

Phone: 306-244-6400
Toll Free: 1-877-777-8979

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Website Links
TeleMiracle Website

Sanctum Care Group

Sanctum Care Group

Sanctum Care Group's vision is for a community in which individuals requiring this assistance are able to attain their optimum level of health from their perspective, minimizing their vulnerability and maximizing their control and dignity. Sanctum recognizes the need to provide care with humility and without prejudice. 

The team started by opening Sanctum in 2015, Saskatchewan’s first hospice with respite and supportive care for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. 

In 2018, Sanctum 1.5 opened in a 10-bed prenatal care home, which supports high-risk and HIV-positive pregnant women at risk of having their infants apprehended at birth. Incorporating existing community services in Sanctum’s safe and supportive environment, the prenatal home works preventively to meet the health and social needs of these women more effectively and efficiently, which will improve the health and well-being of mom and baby while also mitigating the risks associated with apprehensions of infants at birth.

Sanctum Programs:

This is achieved through a philosophy of holistic care and demonstration of Sanctum’s core values of compassion, collaboration and innovation.

Sanctum Care Group Is A Trusted Saskatoon Non -Profit 



"They are a BIG HEARTED organization who see the need right here at home to share some love and hope to children through filling shoe boxes with all sorts of special things who otherwise might not feel the special love that Christmas brings most of us! If you pack shoe boxes at Christmas time already, consider this organization to help kids feel some TLC right here@home!!! There is a BIG need, may God continue to bless them as they keep spreading more and more love to more and more kids each year. "  Deanna Ouellette 

Saskatoon’s TLC@Home’s mission is to touch the lives of local children in such a way as to love, care for, inspire, motivate and to give hope of opportunities by which they can improve their lives and those around them. 

Every year they fill shoeboxes full of items the children need as well as toys and books. They are delivered to five Saskatoon inner-city schools at this time and they are hoping to continue to grow the program.

This is achieved along with community partners:

There is a need for donations every year to make Christmas that much better for participating children, please see the lists below in the READ MORE Section as a guide for what to donate and what NOT to donate."Touching Lives of Children @ Home"

Quick Info


Saskatoon, SK S7K 4L4

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Website Links
TLC Website

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Email us today!


S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc
310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
Ph: 306.244.4150


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