Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Questions To Ask Before Taking a Pilates Class From Saskatoon Pilates Centre

Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the province's largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers, helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they explain Pilates.

Questions to Ask Before Taking a Pilates Class

The founder of the Pilates movement, Joseph Pilates said: “Physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.”

Let Saskatoon Pilates Centre help you find that “zest and pleasure”!

They are your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates and Health & wellness experts.

Here, they share another great tip on questions to ask before taking a Pilates Class:

What you should know – Finding an accredited Pilates Instructor

Pilates requires a skilled and knowledgeable teacher to guide the exercises to prevent injury. Pilates Method Alliance TM is the international, not-for-profit professional association dedicated to the teachings of Joseph and Clara Pilates. Its mission is to protect the public through certification and continuing standards such as an international exam for Pilates professionals.

When thinking about taking a Pilates class, ask:
  • What Pilates training does the instructor have?
  • What other complimentary training does the instructor have?
  • What certification do they carry?
  • Is it internationally recognized?
  • How many hours did they need to complete their certification?
  • How long has the instructor been teaching?
  • What liability do they carry?
  • What is the class size?
  • What will you take away from the program?

Pilates programs are designed on an individual basis to work with your body with its strengths and limitations. It is imperative that you choose a qualified and certified instructor.

Saskatoon’s Pilates Training Centre is committed to maintaining the high standards set by the PMA. Please join Kathy Bond and her teaching associates as they provide quality instruction in a nurturing and professional environment.

“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond

Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:

  • Mat Work
  • Equipment Work
  • Structural Integration Work
  • Group Classes
  • Open Gym
  • Personal Fitness Programs

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

Saskatoon Pilates Centre, Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio Shares Informative Tip That Explains Pilates

Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the province's largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers, helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they explain Pilates. Let Saskatoon Pilates Centre help you find that “zest and pleasure”! They are your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates and Health & wellness experts

Saskatoon Pilates Centre Explains Pilates

What IS Pilates?

The Pilates Method
Pilates is a method of exercise developed by German-born Joseph Pilates. In 1926, Joseph and Clara Pilates brought their exercise system, originally called “Contrology,” to New York City. The Pilates method is a physical movement program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body.

Pilates exercise focuses on postural symmetry, breath control, abdominal strength, spine, pelvis and shoulder stabilization, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and strengthening through all joints' complete range of motion. Instead of isolating muscle groups, the whole body is trained, integrating the upper and lower extremities with the trunk.

The PILATES system of exercises reawakens the mind-body connection for optimal physical conditioning. By emphasizing a mental awareness and a deep understanding of how the body moves, Pilates imprints efficient movement patterns that cross over into our everyday lives.

This revolutionary approach to fitness is suitable for all ages and body types. Whether the goal is to enhance a sporting or performance activity, rehabilitation from chronic pain or injury, or to gain a more active, healthy lifestyle, Pilates has something to offer everyone.

Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. The guiding principles of the Pilates Method are whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath.

With systematic practice of specific exercises coupled with focused breathing patterns, Pilates has proven itself invaluable as a fitness endeavour and as an essential adjunct to professional sports training and physical rehabilitation of all kinds.

Not Designed to be Aerobic:

Pilates exercise was never designed to be aerobic nor did Joseph claim that his exercises were aerobic. Recent research has supported this statement in showing that Beginner Mat Pilates is low-moderate intensity and Intermediate and Advanced Mat work meets the criteria for moderate intensity activities (Olsen, et al 2003).

Not Only for the Elite or Wealthy:

Joseph Pilates suggested that everyone should do his exercises every day. To book a private session with a Pilates teacher should be considered in the same arena as booking time with a massage therapist or personal trainer for $50-$100 per hour. Pilates teachers also recommend that their clients practice Pilates exercises daily or at least 3-4 times per week at home to supplement their training in the studio.

Not Only for Healthy or Well:

Joseph Pilates also modified his exercise method based on whether his client had injuries. Pilates can be modified for unfit, post-trauma, post-disease, and elderly, and it has been shown to increase enjoyment and participation in exercise even for children (Ickes 2005, Jago 2005).

Pilates is Not Fusion:

Pilates is performed on a mat or apparatus that Joseph Pilates designed: Reformer, Trapeze Table, Wunda Chair, High Back Chair, Ladder Barrel, Half Barrel, Spine Corrector, Ped-O-Pul, Head Harness, Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector, Magic Circle, Bean Bag and Pinwheel. Pilates is not performed in a pool, on a small or large ball or combined with other forms of exercise and is still called Pilates. Today, it is certainly acceptable to apply the principles to all forms of movement, exercise, sports and daily life activities as Joseph intended.

Purist vs. Modified Pilates:

The PMA believes that Pilates should evolve along with the advances of modern science, maintaining the integrity of the method with the safety and health of its participants always in mind. This means that if an exercise is determined to be contra-indicated or unsafe, we will respect it as historical repertoire and modify it or delete it from any client’s program that might be injured by performing the exercise. 

“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond

Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:

  • Mat Work
  • Equipment Work
  • Structural Integration Work
  • Group Classes
  • Open Gym
  • Personal Fitness Programs

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

Saskatoon Pilates Centre, Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio Compares Yoga and Pilates

Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio in the province. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they share an article that compares Pilates to Yoga. 

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

"Trust The Experience!"

"Pilates? That's Like Yoga, Right?"

Author: Jo Ann Graser, PMA®-CPT, PMA Board of Directors.  

As a business owner who offers both Pilates and yoga at my studio, I run into this question on a regular basis. My answer can be detailed or basic, depending on my audience. Here are some comparison points about the two disciplines based on my personal experience with both. For the purposes of this discussion, I am comparing yoga to Pilates on the apparatus.  


Yoga was developed over 5,000 years ago in India with the purpose of connecting individual consciousness to a universal consciousness creating spiritual enlightenment. Poses or “asanas” combined with breath control and meditation improve the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health of the practitioner. 

Joseph Pilates began the development of his regimen (historically called “Corrective Exercise” and then “Contrology”) approximately 100 years ago. The underlying theme of Pilates is a systematic and disciplined approach to physical movement through focus and clarity of the mind. Joseph Pilates created apparatuses that could support the body in order to correct dysfunction and improve movement. 


Yoga utilizes mats and small props to aid or support the practitioner. Pilates has an extensive array of machines, or “apparatuses,” designed to assist the individual in improving alignment, strength, and coordination. 


In my experience, yoga poses are typically held for extended time periods to release muscle tension. In some styles of yoga, a long series of poses are repeated sequentially, with the purpose of warming the body to allow for an increased range of motion.

Pilates movements are often guided by the apparatus, which can be configured by the teacher to provide assistance or resistance for the client. The focus in a Pilates session is often on a relatively short piece of choreography emphasizing control and precision. A movement is focused on and repeated for a few repetitions before moving on to the next exercise.

Mind-Body Connection

In many types of yoga, the session starts with the setting of an intention for the practice and ends with a guided meditation and relaxation or “savasana.”  The goals are to clear the mind and surrender to the movement. 

In Pilates, there is constant attention to posture, alignment, and movement mechanics. The practitioner is encouraged to focus on each movement, staying present and intentional. The theme of controlling the body with the mind is ever-present. 


Yoga teaches breathing in and out through the nose or a “warming breath.” This type of breathing is designed to relax the body and calm the mind. The focus of yoga is on “belly breathing.” The classes I take often use the breath as a mechanism to time each pose for example: "Hold this pose for another 4 breaths.” 

Pilates teaches breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. This type of breath is considered “diaphragmatic” and is meant to energize and prepare the body for strong engagement. The practitioner is encouraged to “move with the tempo of the breath,” coordinating the two.


Yoga emphasizes the mind-body and spiritual connection, quieting the mind by focusing on mastery through introspection. Flexibility and strength are improved through the repetition of the asanas. 

Pilates follows a systematic approach, focusing on individual movements as they integrate with the whole.  The intended outcome of Pilates is improved posture and creating a strong, balanced and stable base from which to move.

“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond

Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:

  • Mat Work
  • Equipment Work
  • Structural Integration Work
  • Group Classes
  • Open Gym
  • Personal Fitness Programs

Saskatoon Pilates Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Studio

Trusted Celebrates Amazing Local Business's Who Have Been Trusted Saskatoon Partners For Over 5 Years's 10th Anniversary year is coming to a close here in 2021. We celebrated with a huge contest, where we face away over $20,000 in prizes from our Trusted partners here in Saskatoon. We added new features and welcomed more fantastic local businesses to the growing Trusted Saskatoon community. We have taken the time to recognize Trusted Saskatoon partners who have been with us for many years of our journey, some for over ten years! Our mission continues to save you time, money, and stress when choosing locally-owned businesses that serve Saskatoon and the surrounding area. This article celebrates and recognizes the latest Saskatoon Businesses that Saskatoon partners have trusted for at least five years!

Kathy Bond Pilates, Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Experts for over eight years!

Kathy Bond has been Saskatoon Pilates Centre's passionate owner and operator since 1999. She has over 50 years of experience as a dance teacher and fitness instructor and has taught Pilates for decades. Kathy celebrated her 75th birthday in 2021, but you wouldn't know if you met her! She has a zest for life and so much knowledge and joy to share,  and she's still at her studio every day because of her love of people, their health, motion, and overall wellness. 

The relationships she has forged are a massive part of her business, as some of her clients have been with her for over 20 years and have become dear friends. 


Kathy also dedicates her success to her team of excellent instructors over the years, who support their clients' journeys to achieve optimal well-being through movement, fitness and a deeper awareness of their body/mind connection. She couldn't have come this far without them. We are confident that she and her team can help you get fit, get healthy and have your body move and feel as it should, with ease of motion and no pain! 

As her tagline states…

Every Body Matters’

Find out why Kathy Bond is the most respected and trusted Pilates instructor in Saskatoon and across Saskatchewan; we couldn't be more proud to promote Saskatoon Pilates Centre as Your Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Centre!

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan was brought to Saskatchewan by Solange Bosse in 2015. She has been helping families and their furbabies gain freedom and safety all over the province ever since! Solange is passionate about helping pets and pet owners, and she has been a committed volunteer for wildlife rescue for over 25 years!

Every week, Solange and her team travel the province, providing outstanding support and service for this wonderful product that has applications that work in urban yards and for rural properties on acreages and farms. No farm is too large, and no yard or home is too small for Invisible Fence Solutions! Their products have helped hundreds of pets and their families lead safe and harmonious lives together. She should know, as she has two wonderful dogs: an incredible Dane named Sophie, a cockapoo named Alvin, and a crazy cat called Steve. Oh yeah, Solange and her daughter also have a beautiful horse named Koda. Solange is proud to offer its proven P.E.T. Approach training method that ensures an unparalleled success rating of over 99%. She doesn't just sell you the equipment and go on to the next clients; she helps to educate you and help train your pets, making it an easy transition for all. Invisible Fence Brands of Saskatchewan is our province's number-one choice for pet fencing solutions. The Trusted team is proud to promote the Invisible Fence Brand Of Saskatchewan as your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fence Expert for over five years. It looks forward to supporting them and encouraging them for many more years! Congratulations Solange!

Burnt Orange Solutions Trusted Saskatoon I.T. Professionals For 5 Years!

Burnt Orange Solutions is a locally owned and operated Saskatoon I.T. company, and the team has been helping area businesses and consumers for over ten years. Gareth Mckee, an immigrant from the U.K.,  initially joined Trusted Saskatoon in 2013. After a few years, he relocated the family and the business to Biggar, Saskatchewan, where his wife Alison, a family doctor, was working. When they returned to Saskatoon in 2017, they wanted to rejoin the Trusted Saskatoon community. 

Whether you are dealing directly with Gareth, Kay, or any of his dedicated team, they aim to reply and address your I.T. concerns as soon as possible. They are proud to offer a one-hour response time…who else can do that? Gareth has a massive passion for I.T. & data security. he owned an I.T. in the U.K. before moving to Canada and served in the British Army. Gareth keeps himself up to date with everything happening in the I.T. Industry; he is constantly learning and updating the skills of his team. In turn, he is committed to educating his clients on best practices. Gareth provides the Trusted Saskatoon team with regular I.T. Tips and helpful data security articles for our Saskatoon Trusted Tip Library.

Be assured Burnt Orange Solutions will do the best job it can for you. This is true 'I.T. Support You Can Trust and Understand.' After all, honesty and trust in a professional I.T. security firm are tremendous for your private and confidential data on your own I.T. systems. At Burnt Orange Solutions, they take pride in their artistry and fix each system as if it were their own. 

We are honoured to have them as Trusted Saskatoon partners. Burnt Orange Solutions really is the best Saskatoon I.T. company! will save you time, save you hassle and save you money. Our local Trusted Saskatoon team is committed to finding outstanding businesses like the ones highlighted above. Be assured that ALL the companies featured on our Saskatoon directory have been checked verified, and are annually contracted to uphold the 5 TRUSTED GUARANTEES of service! 

5 Trusted Guarantees

  1. Provide the service and quality promised.

  2. Complete the job on time.

  3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises.

  4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs.

  5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind.

Trusted Saskatoon was founded on the principle that great local businesses deserve the promotion. We know they are out there; we have found many already and work hard to find more. Please help us by nominating your favourite Saskatoon businesses here.

Trusted Saskatoon Pilates Experts at Saskatoon Pilates Center Now Offers Core Dynamics Teacher Training.

Saskatoon Pilates Centre is Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio in the province. Saskatoon Pilates Centre is your Trusted Saskatoon pilates studio. 

Saskatoon Pilates Now Offers Core Dynamics Pilates Teacher Training Program

Kathy Bond, award winning founder of Saskatoon Pilates, shares information in their latest article about the Pilates Teacher training offered by Saskatoon Pilates,  and specifically why she has chosen to work with Core Dynamics.

Core Dynamics Pilates Teacher Training program places its focus on developing trainees to embody the Pilates method, understand human movement as well to teach the Pilates method correctly to a wide variety of clientele versus just teaching the exercises of leading classes. Core Dynamics offers a unique ‘boutique’ program based on historical Pilates, with small class sizes, individual attention, mentorship experiences and a select group of highly qualified educators and affiliates. Core Dynamics is the approach to Pilates teaching that was created by Eve Gentry and developed by Michele Larsson.

"I have now been teaching Pilates for 20 years and have worked with several “elders” in the Pilates world. Ron Fletcher, Kathy Grant, Mary Bowen, Lolita San Miguel and several of their protegees, plus second-generation teachers like Dianne Miller, Alan Herdman, Gillian Hessel, and Elizabeth Larkham. I did not personally work with Eve Gentry but was introduced to her work through Michele Larsson and this is the one that resonated most with me.
Eve was a professional dancer who worked with Joseph Pilates and with his guidance was able to fully recover from a radical mastectomy.
When Eve moved to Santa Fe, she started working with compromised bodies that were not able to do a full Pilates program and thus began the Fundamentals that we use as the basis for all of our clients and programs. I did try other teacher training programs, which were good, but none of them gave the same in-depth training that Core Dynamics gave."   Kathy Bond, Owner Saskatoon Pilates 

A History Of Excellence

In 2005 Saskatoon Pilates became a mentoring studio for Core Dynamics and trained 8 comprehensive teachers as an affiliate Since becoming the Canadian trainer, I have trained 4 comprehensive and 1 mat teacher, with 2 teachers ready to finalize their comprehensive certification. With the new Pilates designation of Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher (NCPT) through the Pilates Method Alliance, it becomes imperative that the quality of teacher training programs has national recognition. Core Dynamics has that! The team at Saskatoon Pilates are responsible for keeping our clients safe and that we are recognized as professional movement educators. 

Let Saskatoon Pilates Centre Trusted Saskatoon Pilates experts help you find that “zest and pleasure”!


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